Coastal Recreational Fishing License Grant Program

Under state law, revenue from sales of N.C. Coastal Recreational Fishing Licenses goes in two separate funds, both set up specifically to be used to manage, protect, restore, develop, cultivate and enhance the marine resources of the state. The Marine Resources Endowment Fund receives revenues from the sale of lifetime CRFLs. The Marine Resources Fund receives revenues from the sale of all other CRFLs.

Subject to annual availability, the DMF, in consultation with the WRC, may decide to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for consideration of funding.

The Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Improvement of North Carolina Marine Resources sets forth a framework of objectives and strategies to meet the statutory requirement that the fund be used to manage, protect, restore, develop, cultivate and enhance the marine resources of the state. The framework provides the basis upon which to evaluate and select proposals for CRFL funding. Example priority research needs have been compiled based on priority needs in Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) approved by the Marine Fisheries Commission, issues identified in the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan (CHPP), and research needs identified cooperatively with other agencies. The objectives and strategies are topics of particular interest at this time and do not represent an inclusive list of all priority needs in FMPs and the CHPP.

Only proposals from universities, community colleges, local/state North Carolina governmental entities, DMF, or WRC are eligible to receive funding. Individuals/groups desiring funding must partner with one of these eligible agencies.

View the Monthly CRFL Sales Updates

N.C. Marine Resources Fund N.C. Marine Resources Endowment Fund

Tab/Accordion Items

The 2023-2024 funding cycle has closed and we are no longer accepting applications for the CRFL grant program.

Please contact Coastal Recreational Fishing License Project Coordinator Kathy Peterson at 252-515-5470 or with any questions.

CRFL Program Coordinator 

Kathy Peterson