From 1978 -1993, North Carolina commercial fisheries landings statistics were collected on a voluntary basis through the National Marine Fisheries Service/North Carolina Cooperative Statistics Program. The growing need for more detailed and timely harvest data led the N.C. General Assembly to mandate trip-level reporting of commercial fisheries landings for all state-licensed fish dealers in 1994.
Since that time, the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries Trip Ticket Program has grown into one of the leading fisheries data collection programs in the country. In fact, many other states have modeled their trip ticket systems after the North Carolina program.
What is a Trip Ticket?
A trip ticket is the form used by fish dealers to report commercial landings information. Trip tickets collect information about the fisherman, the dealer purchasing the product, the transaction date, the number of crew, area fished, gear used and the quantity of each species landed for each trip. Some trip tickets also collect the species of shrimp landed and disposition (heads on/off), the state of catch, bottom type (public or leased) and lease number. Each month, dealers are required to send these forms to the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries for processing. Data gathered from trip tickets help fisheries managers and the commercial fishing industry ensure North Carolina's marine resources remain well-managed and abundant.
Program Updates
The division is continually striving to improve the timeliness and accuracy of the program. Since its inception, the following program changes have been made:
- A new database has been developed to house trip ticket and license program information, allowing fisheries managers to link to harvest and license data.
- Fishermen can also submit their trip tickets electronically.
- Research is being conducted on linking metadata (data about data; i.e. weather events, economic conditions) and commercial fisheries harvest, to help analyze fisheries trends.
- Staff upload the state’s commercial harvest statistics to the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program on a quarterly basis, for more efficient management of coast-wide, migratory species.
- The North Carolina Trip Ticket Program publishes a semiannual newsletter for fish dealers, along with six-month and annual landings bulletins.
- The North Carolina Trip Ticket Program is conducting research to verify and update conversion factors used to estimate whole weight from pre-processed landings (eg. fish landed in gutted conditions).
- The North Carolina Trip Ticket Program updates the commercial landings data in the Annual License and Statistics Report.
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries' goal is to make reporting as simple as possible. Fishing industry support and assistance is critical to the success of the program. We welcome any suggestions for improvement.
Electronic reporting of commercial landings by licensed fish dealers is an alternative to the paper-based trip ticket reporting system. The Division of Marine Fisheries in conjunction with Claude Petersen, formerly of the Southwest Computer Bureau Inc., and now owner of, developed a software program that fulfills all the requirements of the N.C. trip ticket program, as well as all federal reporting requirements stipulated by the National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Region. It is a Microsoft Access-based program compatible with most PC operating systems and can be networked for multiple computers.
NCDMF currently has about 50 fish dealers using the software and submitting commercial landings electronically. Recent enhancements to the software allow dealers to print and export quota-monitoring forms in lieu of paper forms. The software has additional features that aid dealers in their day-to-day business activities such as summary reporting, customizable code lists, and invoice-type receipts.
The software is provided free of charge to any licensed fish dealer with a computer and an Internet connection. If you are interested in using the trip ticket software, please notify Josh Beil at 252-515-5549 or 800-682-2632.
Tech Tips
Need to backup your trip ticket files? Under the Dealer Information Tab, make sure the "Automatically backup database" box is checked. Be sure to click the "update" button before exiting the dealer information window. Your data will now be saved every time data is sent. If your computer breaks, Bluefin Data will have a copy of your historical data and it can be reinstalled.
To back up your data yourself and keep it on site, copy the following file to an external storage location. The file to copy is:
C:\Program Files\Trip Ticket\TripTick.mdb
External storage options include, but are not limited to:
- a flash (thumb) drive for $10 - $90
- an external USB portable hard drive for $50 - $200
- an external USB DVD / CD drive (DVD RW / CD RW) for $60 - $150
All of these drives are plug and play. Just plug the device into one of the USB ports on your computer and in nearly all cases, your computer will recognize the new hardware and be able to use it immediately. However, it's still a good idea to read the instructions and install any software that came with the device before plugging it into your computer. The file to backup is:
If you are ready to enter another trip ticket, you need not leave the ticket screen. Instead, hold down the Ctrl button and hit the N key. This is a hot key sequence that can also be accessed from the ticket screen menu.
A faster way to print a trip ticket is to hold down the Ctrl button and press the P key while on the New Ticket screen. This is a hot-key sequence used to print one ticket without having to select from the menu.
A quick way to backspace the fields on the data entry screen is to hold down the Shift key and press the tab key.
North Carolina Fish Dealers who hold permits to deal in quota-monitored fisheries from the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) must report all landings for the prior day for the permitted fishery under a quota-monitoring requirement no later than noon, daily. These fisheries are:
- Atlantic Ocean Flounder
- Black Sea Bass (North of Hatteras)
- Estuarine Flounder
- Spiny Dogfish
- Striped Bass
Annual Quota Monitoring Dealer Packet
Permit for Monitoring Fisheries under a Quota/Allocation (Rules)
Quota Monitoring Permits Reporting Form (Log) with Instructions
Quota Monitoring Permit Daily Reporting Form (Log) with Instructions - Word Document
Reporting Requirements
North Carolina Fish Dealers who hold permits to deal in quota-monitored fisheries from the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) must report all landings for the prior day for the permitted fishery under a quota-monitoring requirement no later than noon, daily.
The permitted Fish Dealer will report landings for quota-managed species only when proclamation or rule opens the commercial seasons for those species.
NCDMF will provide reporting forms to Fish Dealers.
The permitted Fish Dealer must FAX or e-mail information on the catch daily, by noon, for the previous day (midnight to midnight), including weekends to:
- Fax: 252-515-5608
- Email:
- Telephone: 252-515-5549
Reporting forms must be submitted even if no landings occurred for the previous day, including weekends. Reports of zero (0) landings may be submitted up to a week in advance if the permittee will not be purchasing fish from the permitted fishery.
Landings for Fridays and Saturdays may be submitted on the following Monday (by noon). Submit one reporting form for each day, even if no landings occurred. For example: on Monday, submit one form for Friday, one form for Saturday and one form for Sunday.
To correctly complete the Quota Monitoring Reporting Form, record the following information:
- Dealer Name – record the name of the Dealer that has the Quota-Monitoring Permit.
- Dealer # - record the Dealer License Number (D - number) for the permitted dealer location.
- Date Landed – record the date of landing for the monitored species being reported.
- Permit # - record the permit number issued by the NCDMF. Each permit has a unique number. This permit number is not the same as the D – number.
- No Landings – check the box(s) if no landings occurred for a permitted fishery for the day being reported.
- Record the required information, including no landings, for each permitted fishery (Striped Bass, Atlantic Ocean Flounder, Estuarine Flounder, Spiny Dogfish, and Black Sea Bass North of Cape Hatteras):
- Striped Bass – Record the number of tags used and total pounds landed by gear type and/or specific area for each validated area shown on the permit (Atlantic Ocean, Albemarle Sound Management Area, Southern Area, and/or Central Area). If the Striped Bass Dealer permit is validated for multiple areas and landings do not occur for all of those areas, ensure that the NO LANDINGS box is checked for those areas that apply.
- Estuarine Flounder – Record the number of vessels used and the total pounds landed by each gear type in each area.
- Atlantic Ocean Flounder – Record the number of vessels landing Atlantic Ocean Flounder and the total pounds landed.
- Spiny Dogfish – Record the number of vessels used and total pounds harvested.
- Black Sea Bass – N. Hatteras – Record the number of vessels used and total pounds harvested North of Cape Hatteras.
- Signature and Date (the Permittee or Designee is responsible for ensuring that all information is correct in all the required fields, and must sign and date the form prior to submittal to DMF).
If the permitted Fish Dealer is unable to FAX or e-mail the Reporting Form, the permitted Fish Dealer must call in the previous day’s landings and must maintain a completed Reporting Form as a log for the Quota Monitoring Permit. This required log must be submitted to the NCDMF upon request or no later than five (5) days after the close of the season for the permitted fishery.
The completed Reporting Forms and other related documentation must be kept for a period of not less than 3 years, in accordance
with 15A NCAC 3I.0114.
Record the Dealer License number (D – number) on the bill of lading or receipt for each transaction or shipment from the permitted
This Reporting Form does not replace trip tickets. All NCDMF Trip Ticket Program reporting requirements must continue to be
- If unable to fax, each reporting form must be maintained as a log, and all logs shall be submitted to the Division upon request or no later than five (5) days after closure of the season by proclamation. Other original reporting forms (those faxed or e-mailed) must be maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 3I.0114.
- Landings for Fridays or Saturdays may be submitted on the following Monday (submit one reporting form for each day).
- If there are no landings for a day, the reporting form must still be submitted to DMF for that day.
- Any permit changes can be made by contacting a License Agent in the Division office nearest you.
For Trip Ticket Program supplies, email or call the DMF Headquarters office at 252-515-5500 or 800-682-2632.
Trip Ticket Program Coordinator
Alan Bianchi
Morehead City
Headquarters Office
Port Agent Supervisor
Michael Thompson
Morehead City
Headquarters Office
Quota Monitoring Biologist and Electronic Reporting Dealer Liaison
Josh Beil
Morehead City
Headquarters Office
Trip Ticket Data Analyst
Meredith Whitten
Morehead City
Headquarters Office
Commercial Port Agents
Jon Anglemyer
Washington Office
Counties covered: Alamance, Beaufort, Craven, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Durham, Franklin, Greene, Hyde, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Nash, Onslow, Pitt, Wayne, and Wake
Phone: 252-908-6786
Fax: 252-946-3967
Haley Clinton
Manteo Office
Counties covered: Dare and Ocracoke
Phone: 252-342-0156
Fax: 252-473-1606
Chuck Davis
Morehead City Office
Counties covered: Carteret and Pamlico
Phone: 252-515-5548
Fax: 252-726-3903
Alexis Rakestraw
Elizabeth City Office
Counties covered: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Halifax, Hertford, Martin, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington
Phone: 252-337-5362
Fax: 252-264-3723
Mackenzie Stancil
Wilmington Office
Counties covered: Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Pender, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland and Union
Phone: 252-241-0118