Hazardous Waste Section Forms
Check below for the most up-to-date forms as it relates to the management, transport, storage and disposal of hazardous waste in North Carolina.
If you have questions or need assistance with the following forms contact Andrew Minter at (919) 707-8265. For assistance with RCRAInfo Registration contact Melodi Deaver at (919) 707-8204.
Hazardous Waste Generator Notification Information:
- Tutorial on RCRAInfo Registration and Electronic Filing of Notifications
- Guide for RCRAInfo Registration and Notification Submittal
- Type of Generator Notification
- Episodic Generator Notification
- Short Term Generator Notifications (previously known as Provisional ID Notifications)
- Small Quantity Generator Re-Notification (due Sept. 1, 2021)
- Small Quantity Generator Re-Notification (due Sept. 1, 2025)
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) Facility Notification:
If you have questions or need assistance with the following forms contact Kelly Galantis at (919) 707-8205 or Mark Burnette at (919) 280-4929.
If you have questions or need additional information about the Biennial Report contact Jenny Patterson at (919) 270-3124.
- In North Carolina, sites that operate as a Large Quantity Generator and/or a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility in the reporting year, must submit a Biennial Report.
- For facilities required to file the Biennial Report, the next report is due on March 1, 2026. The "reporting year" is calendar year (Jan. through Dec.) 2025.
- Additional Information for 2023 Biennial Hazardous Waste Report (due March 1, 2024)
- Information for the 2025 Biennial Hazardous Waste Report (due March 1, 2026) will be linked here soon.