Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
- The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund was created with the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act.
- Because the DWSRF is federally-seeded, the loans are subject to additional federal regulations regarding environmental review, outreach for disadvantaged business enterprises, payroll (Davis Bacon and related Acts), etc.
- Congress provides funds for states to establish revolving loan programs for funding of drinking water projects.
- States provide 20% matching funds.
Types of Funding Available
- Low-interest loans (1/2 of market interest rates)
- Limited amount of principal forgiveness loans
Eligible Applicants
- Local Government Units (counties, cities, towns, sanitary districts, etc.)
- Non-profit Water Corporations
- Investor-Owned Drinking Water Corporations
Eligible Projects
- Source, treatment, storage, or transmission & distribution systems
Key Program Requirements
- Loan maximum is $25 million.
- Construction must start within 24 months of Letter of Intent to Fund.
- Closing fee of 2% (which cannot be financed).
- Local Government Commission (LGC) must approve all loans.
Intended Use Plans
- Draft FY2025 Base and IIJA General Supplemental DWSRF IUP for public comments (February 2025)
- Amended FY2024 Base and BIL General Supplemental DWSRF IUP for public comments (February 2025)
- FY2024 Base and BIL General Supplemental DWSRF IUP (September 2024)
- FY2023 Base and BIL General Supplemental DWSRF IUP (July 2023)
- Revised IUP for DWSRF ASADRA funds (revised June 2024)
- The DWSRF Program has two funding cycles per year, typically in March and September.
- Refer to Funding Program Application Information for detailed information on application deadlines and requirements.
- For application questions, please contact: Kavitha Ambikadevi, PE at (919) 707-9048 (via email at Kavitha.Ambikadevi@ncdenr.gov) or David Giachini, PE at (919) 707-9191 (via email at David.Giachini@ncdenr.gov)
Additional Information
Regulatory Information
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