DRAFT 2020 Chowan River Basin Water Resources Plan

The DRAFT 2020 Chowan River Basin Water Resources Plan (basin plan) is the fourth document to be developed for the Chowan River basin. The basin plan includes eight chapters and several appendices that explore water quality and water quantity issues in the basin. It also includes a Story Map. The Story Map includes an interactive component and provides a better view of monitoring locations, permitted facilities, and waterbodies in the basin. Only a few locational maps are included in the basin plan. The public comment period for the DRAFT basin plan ended on October 31, 2020. 

Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Overview

Provides basic information about land use and population, nonpoint source pollution (agriculture, forestry, stormwater) and basin characteristic (aquatic habitat, wetland functions, etc.)

Chapter 2: Monitoring Data and Water Quality

Reviews how chemical, physical and biological parameters are used to assess water quality in North Carolina and overall results for the Chowan River basin.

Chapters 3, 4 and 5: Watershed Chapters and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) Summary

Provides detailed information at the watershed scale. Individual stream assessments, special studies, information related to water use and specific projects in the watersheds are included.

Chapter 6: Water Quality Initiatives and Funding

Explores various options for protecting water resources and includes information as it relates to local initiatives, watershed planning and funding opportunities. 

Chapter 7: Permitted and Registered Activities in the Chowan River Basin

Contains general information about existing programs that protect water resources. Examples include National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and non-discharge wastewater management, stormwater programs, public water supply systems, and animal feeding operations.

Chapter 8: Water Use and Availability in the Chowan River Basin

Provides a summary of water use in the basin and includes information publicly available through the Local Water Supply Plans (LWSP), the Water Withdrawal and Transfer Registration (WWATR) database, and the Ground Water Management Branch (GWMB). It also includes information about agriculture water use as reported in the 2018 Agricultural Water Use Survey published by NCDA&CS.  


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updated 2/19/2021 MRaquet