Welcome to the NC Project WET Facilitator's Corner

NC Project WET Facilitators are the heart of Water Education in North Carolina. We are grateful for our facilitators and look forward to continuing our tradition of providing high quality, water-based educational resources for years to come.  If you're interested in hosting your own Project WET workshop as a part of your programs, please feel free to reach out to these facilitators below!

If you're an existing facilitator and would like to submit a workshop proposal, click here. 



Information for WET Facilitators

Tab/Accordion Items

The Foundations of Water Education is available to order at the NC Facilitator price of $22 per copy.

NC Facilitators can have digital access instantly. Visit wet.kitaboo.com and use the email and password listed below to have facilitator exclusive access to WET's library of products. Please do not share this information with workshop participants.

Workshop Planning Timeline:

6 Months Before: Set Date/Complete Proposal Form

5 Months Before: Design a workshop agenda, set up registration form

4 Months Before: Put workshop on EE Calendar

3 Months Before: Create a flyer

2 Months Before: Promote workshop on EE Listserv using flyer

1 Month Before: Continue promoting, procure materials to support agenda items

Month of Workshop: Set up a follow-up email, make copies of EE certificates for participants

All Agendas Should Include:

-Introduction of the site and facilitator

-A demonstration of at least 3 activities

-Overview of Project WET and its online resources like discoverwater.org

Lauren's Suggestions: 

-Peer teaching opportunities: Encourage participants to demonstrate their own activity.

-Offer breaks every hour

-Start on time! 

-Incorporate your site whenever you can. If you have a stream, use it! If you have a stormwater pond, explore it!

-Incorporate local monitoring data, stream gages, and other online resources to teach about your watershed whenever possible.