The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board will hold its second meeting in Roxboro on Nov. 14.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board will hold its second meeting in Roxboro on Nov. 14.
RALEIGH – The N.C. Environmental Management Commission will meet this week at the Archdale Building in downtown Raleigh. Commission committees will meet Wednesday, Nov. 7, with the full commission meeting Thursday, Nov. 8.
RALEIGH – The N.C. Division of Waste Management is seeking public feedback on a draft renewal permit to conduct remedial activities for contaminated soil and groundwater at the former Alcoa-Badin Works facility in Badin. The public comment period began Aug. 13 and was extended until Nov. 11 due to Hurricane Florence.
RALEIGH─ The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality has opened a second comment period and rescheduled a public hearing to gather comments on a proposed draft special order by consent for Duke Energy’s H.F. Lee Plant in Goldsboro. The original dates were cancelled due to hurricane impacts last month. The new public comment period will be open Oct. 31 through Dec. 7.
Officials with the N.C. Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board are asking the public for input on a report that will provide recommendations on the science and policies supporting trichloroethylene, or TCE, short-term inhalation action levels, as well as rapid response guidance for residential and occupational receptors.
Yesterday, the Department of Environmental Quality celebrated a Brownfields Program milestone. The agency entered into its 500th agreement, with Rocky Mount officials to redevelop the Historic Douglas Block into a Downtown Event Center.
The state Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board will meet on Monday in Raleigh to discuss the board’s GenX report, as well as emerging contaminants methyl bromide, hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene.
Local advisory committees for nine coastal reserves will meet in November and December. The meetings are open to the public.