Cabinet Agency Environmental Justice and Equity Leads

On January 7, 2022, Governor Roy Cooper issued Executive Order No. 246 North Carolina's Transformation To A Clean, Equitable Economy which directed Cabinet agencies to designate an environmental justice and equity lead (EJ Lead). 

Duties of each EJ Lead include the following:

  • Serve as the agency point person for environmental justice efforts,
  • Inform development and implementation of the agency public participation plan described in Section 8 of this Executive Order, 
  • Work with EJ Leads in other agencies to share and coordinate related activities, best practices, and relevant data,
  • Identify, describe, and post on a readily available page of the agency's website agency decisions that significantly impact or may significantly impact underserved communities,
  • Increase awareness among agency leadership and staff of the history and current impacts of environmental, economic, and racial injustice,
  • Take additional actions as appropriate to further the directives of this Executive Order.

Cabinet Agencies Environmental Justice and Equity Leads

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