Fayetteville Regional Office

225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301-5095
Phone: 910-433-3300
Fax: 910-433-3398
Contact Fayetteville Regional Office Staff
Regional Office Information
Directions to the Fayetteville Regional Office
From Raleigh/Washington: Take I-95 South until you come to the Fayetteville (Exit 56). Take this exit until you reach first light. This will be Hwy 301 and Grove Street. Turn right (R) onto Grove Street. Once on Grove St., get into the left lane. Continue until you reach intersection which will be Ramsey Street on right and Green Street on the left (third light). Turn left onto Green Street. Office is located in the Systel Building on the right.*
From Raleigh: Take Hwy 401 South. Stay on Hwy 401 until you reach Fayetteville City limits. Hwy 401 will then also be marked as Ramsey Street. Keep on Ramsey St. business until it becomes Green Street. Continue thru the intersection onto Green Street. Office is located in the Systel Building on the right.*
From Winston-Salem/Greensboro/Mooresville Area: From Sanford, NC. Take Hwy 87 South to Fayetteville. Once in Fayetteville, Hwy 87 will become Bragg Blvd. Continue on Bragg Blvd. until you reach the Rowan St. exit, turn left. From Rowan St., turn right onto Green St., Systel Building will be on your right.
From Wilmington: Take I-40 West to Hwy 24 West to Clinton. Continue on Hwy 24 into Fayetteville. Once in Fayetteville, Hwy 24 will become Grove St. Off of Grove St., take a left onto Green Street. Systel Building will be located on your right.*
*Pay parking is located in back of the Systel Building. Bring your parking ticket to the office for validation and you will not need to pay for parking.
- Open Burning
- Odor or dust
- Vehicle Emissions
- Land and geologic resources
- Mining
- Dams
- Sediment and Erosion Control
- Stormwater Management
David Lee
3800 Barrett Drive
Raleigh, NC 27609
Email: david.lee@deq.nc.gov
919-791-4204 (Direct)
919-791-4200 (Raleigh Switchboard)
Please contact the Division of Waste Management's Fayetteville Regional Office with questions or concerns regarding:
- Solid waste
- Landfills
- Land-clearing debris
- Septage land application sites and management firms
- Underground storage tank(s) installation and operation
- Leaking underground storage tanks
- Cleanup of underground storage tank(s) releases
- Non-underground storage tank(s) petroleum releases
(910) 796-7320
Please contact the Division of Water Resource's Fayetteville Regional Office with questions or concerns regarding:
- Public water system compliance and assistance
- Wastewater compliance inspections and technical assistance
- NPDES, Nondischarge, Animal Feeding Operations, Collection Systems, Residuals
- Complaint response and emergency response related to impacts to surface waters
- Monitor & collect surface water samples (ambient monitoring)
- Buffer, stream and wetland activities including 401 certifications
- Issuance of Fast Track Sewer Extension permits, non-residential well construction permits and pump-and-haul permits
- Express permitting option for quicker permit reviews. Options available are: Erosion and Sedimentation Control.
- Wildlife Resources - Hunting and Fishing License
- Water Supply Watershed Map - An interactive web-based map to help determine if your project is located in a water supply watershed. Always contact your local government to verify current boundaries and classifications of water supply watershed areas.
- Stormwater Permitting Interactive Map Viewer - An interactive web-based map to help determine which stormwater permitting requirements may apply to your project - you will need to scroll down until you see "Post-Construction Stormwater Map". Please be sure to read all information below the section titled "Post-Construction Stormwater Map".
- Surface Water Classifications - Find a stream name, index number, and classification.