Emission Estimation Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets for estimating emissions from...
Asphalt Plants  Rev. G08/30/2019
Coal Combustion  Rev. H02/07/2012
Concrete Batching  Rev. D10/15/2015
Cotton Gins  Rev. E01/03/2007
Feedmills  Rev. A02/11/1996
Fuel Oil Combustion  Rev. G11/05/2012
Human CrematoryRev. R0208/19/2019
Internal Combustion (large gasoline and diesel engines)  Rev. J06/22/2015
Internal Combustion (small gasoline and diesel engines)  Rev. S06/22/2015
LPG Combustion  Rev. F01/05/2017
Natural Gas Combustion  Rev. N01/05/2017
Stone Quarries and Stone Crushing  Rev. C05/23/2011
Wood Waste Combustion  Rev. L09/03/2019
Woodwork  Rev. C07/09/2007
Woodwork (Lumber Kilns)
[Documentation for Woodwork (Lumber Kilns)]
  Rev. C07/10/2007
Official N.C. Permitting Control Device Analysis Spreadsheets
[Bagfilter Evaluation Primer]
Vers. 3.309/23/1999

Additional Resources