Non-hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSM) Determinations Non-hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSM) and Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration (CISWI) Determinations are available below (sorted by date). 09/01/2017 NHSM Determination for Southeastern Grain Company, LLC 10/14/2016 NHSM Determination for Carolina Poultry Power RG1, LLC 07/14/2016 NHSM Determination for House of Raeford Farms, Inc. - Rose Hill 10/15/2015 NHSM Determination for North Carolina Renewable Power-Elizabethtown and Lumberton, LLCs 8/11/2015 NHSM Determination for Prestage AgEnergy of North Carolina, LLC - Moltonville 6/29/2015 NHSM Determination for Charah Inc. 6/10/2015 NHSM Determination for The SEFA Group 6/5/2015 NHSM Determination for W.E. Partners, I, II, IV and V, LLCs 1/7/2015 NHSM Determination for W.E. Partners, I, II, IV and V, LLCs 12/3/2014 NHSM Determination for CPI USA North Carolina - Roxboro Plant 11/26/2014 NHSM Determination for CPI USA North Carolina - Southport Plant 4/11/2014 NHSM Determination for Craven County Wood Energy, L.P. 1/17/2014 NHSM determination for Craven County Wood Energy, L.P. 5/14/2013 NHSM Determination for Coastal Carolina Clean Power 3/13/2013 NHSM Determination for Prestage AgEnergy 3/8/2013 NHSM Determination for Poultry Power USA 2/15/2013 CISWI and NHSM Determinations 12/11/2012 NHSM Determination for Edgecombe County Landfill 11/15/2012 AHP Clarification of Secondary Material Determination 11/2/2012 NHSM Determination for Pactiv, Iredell County 9/14/2012 NHSM Determination for Revolution Energy Solutions 8/31/2012 AHP Secondary Material Determination 7/19/2012 NHSM Determination for Prestage Farms, Sampson County 7/5/2012 CISWI Determination - Johnston County Landfill Gas 5/2/2012 Landfill Gas & Solid Waste Questions and Answers 11/21/2011 Waste Determination of Gas from Swine Manure 7/28/2011 Working Examples for Solid Waste Determinations 7/20/2011 Updated Guidance on Solid Waste Determinations 5/6/2010 CISWI Determination - Valley Proteins d.b.a. Carolina By-Products Fayetteville Division 3/17/2010 CISWI Determination - Sharpe Brothers 3/8/2010 CISWI Determination - Church & Church 2/5/2010 CISWI Determination - Uniboard 1/6/2010 CISWI Determination - Carolina Stalite 11/10/2009 CISWI Determination - New Earth Pellets 9/28/2009 CISWI Implementation for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators 8/31/2009 Letter on the Use of Wood Debris as Fuel