DEACS Outreach & Education

DEACS One-Pagers
- Division Overview
- Recycling in NC
- Resource and Energy Efficiency
- Permit Assistance
- N.C. Environmental Stewardship Initiative
Recycling Works Newsletter
The Recycling Business Assistance Center (RBAC), within DEACS, helps support and grow recycling industries through technical assistance and partnerships. RBAC's quarterly newsletter discusses current topics of interest to recycling businesses, including information on financing opportunities, commodity markets and new technologies.
Subscribe and see the latest Recycling Works newsletters.
Recycling Education
- Posters, handouts, and ready-to-post social media messaging about what goes in the recycling bin and what stays out
- Recycling campaigns tailored to specific age groups
- Promotional giveaway materials (available to local governments and schools)
Brochures, Fliers, Etc.
DEACS Listservs:
NC GreenTravel Listserv is a free mailing list dedicated to promoting and sharing information about creating and maintaining environmentally sustainable lodging properties, restaurants, parks, museums, attractions, resorts and other "green" travel-oriented businesses. The listserv is a free venue for making announcements, comments, sharing solutions, and asking questions about issues relevant to "greening" the travel industry, however advertising and promoting products and services is not allowed.