DSCA Compliance Unit

The DSCA Compliance Unit administers a compliance inspection and enforcement program to ensure active dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale distribution facilities are compliant with applicable regulations. Consolidation of multiple regulatory authorities allows one program in DEQ to ensure compliance with all environmental requirements, and gives dry cleaners and the public a state point-of-contact for compliance questions or concerns.

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Beginning in 2022, the compliance calendar for petroleum and alternative solvent dry cleaners was discontinued and replaced with a voluntary self-inspection checklist.  The checklist will be used to acknowledge compliance with environmental regulations, specifically the DSCA Minimum Management Practices (MMPs) and will be used to assist staff with prioritizing inspections.  The DSCA Program requests that the checklist be submitted by the end of January each year.  The complete packages mailed to petroleum and alternative solvent dry cleaners each year can be found here.

The DSCA Program received a request to provide an interpretation of the DSCA rules in 15A NCAC 02S as it pertains to the following: "Can used perchloroethylene (perc) solvent reclaimed from perc dry-cleaner A be legally transported to dry-cleaner B for purposes of introducing the used perc into a dry-cleaning machine?" The program provided an interpretation and response to this question on April 3, 2019.


The DSCA Compliance Unit administers a compliance inspection and enforcement program to ensure active dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale distribution facilities are compliant with applicable regulations, DSCA Required Minimum Management Practices 15A NCAC 02S .0202 [English] [Korean] [Spanish]40 CFR Part 63 (Subpart M)- National Perchloroethylene Air Emission Standards for Drycleaning Facilities40 CFR Part 60 (Subpart JJJ) - Standards of Performance for Petroleum Drycleaners, and 40 CFR Parts 260-262 - Hazardous Waste Management Regulations. The DSCA Compliance Unit staff conduct educational outreach visits and full inspections across the state. Through educational assistance and inspections, the Compliance Unit helps ensure that owners/operators understand and adhere to practices that prevent future releases of dry-cleaning solvent to the environment. The DSCA programs perchloroethylene (perc) compliance calendar provides all applicable rules, recordkeeping, guidance and reference information in one document for the convenience of facility owners and operators. Compliance calendars for both current and past years can be found at link below.

For additional information please contact: Delonda Alexander, Special Remediation Branch Head at delonda.alexander@ncdenr.gov or (919) 707-8365 or  Compliance Staff.

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