Emergency/Disaster Debris Management
North Carolina has hundreds of pre-approved disaster debris sites across the state. For information about pre-approved sites in a particular county or to request that sites be activated to receive disaster debris, please contact the Regional Environmental Specialist for that county. Sites are only listed as active when in use, and can only be activated by the site contact.
To view a map of currently active debris sites, please see the Solid Waste Section's Interactive Mapping Application of Active Temporary Debris Storage and Reduction Sites.
***While these sites might be available for disaster debris, please contact your local government for direction on waste disposal procedures following an emergency or disaster. The best way to dispose of most storm debris – especially debris from damaged mobile homes, houses and other buildings – is to rely on your county or municipality’s waste disposal services or haul your waste to a permitted municipal solid waste landfill.***
Effective January 1, 2021, the establishment of temporary debris storage and reduction sites (TDSRs) and the management of debris and wastes regulated under 15A NCAC 13B are required to meet the provisions of rule 15A NCAC 13B .0208(b) in order to be temporarily exempt from solid waste permitting requirements.
Guidance for Obtaining a TDSR from DWM
- DWM TDSR Site Quick Reference
- DWM TDSR Site Approval-Activation Process Diagram
- DWM TDSR Site Closure Guidance
TDSR Site Evaluation Form
As of July 1, 2023, the DWM Solid Waste Section has developed a new online webform to submit a request for a TDSR site evaluation. The link to this new online form is provided below. During the remainder of the 2023 calendar year, the link to download the prior pdf-fillable form will remain available below as a backup to the new form if needed. If you have any questions or concerns while filling out the form, you may contact the Regional Environmental Specialist for your county.
- *NEW* Online Webform for TDSR Site Evaluation
- Prior Site Evaluation Form (pdf-fillable form)
- Construction and Demolition Debris
- Land Clearing and Inert Debris
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Animal Mortality
- List of Items Banned from Disposal
- Spontaneous Combustion Guidance
- NC Beaches Quick Guide
- NC Mosquito Abatement Fact Sheet
- NC Dept. of Transportation Disaster Recovery
- NC Marine Debris Emergency Response Comprehensive Guide and Field Guide
- NC Division of Emergency Management Public Assistance Debris Guide
- UNC School of Government Additional Information for Disaster Management Plans and MOAs
The Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section offered disaster debris management training for solid waste managers, emergency managers, and public works personnel in Wilmington on June 15, 2017. Training was provided by staff with the Section’s Field Operations Branch, the NCDEQ Division of Air Quality, NCDOT State Maintenance Operations, the NCDPS Emergency Management Public Assistance Program, and the Onslow County Solid Waste Department.
- Workshop Flyer and Agenda
- Workshop Presentations