Cape Fear River Basin Water Supply Plan

On 12 July 2000, the Environmental Management Commission's (EMC) Water Allocation Committee directed the Division of Water Resources to prepare a Cape Fear River Basin Water Supply Plan by September 2001. The initial purpose of this Cape Fear River Basin plan is to give the EMC a review of long-range, basinwide water supply issues before making Jordan Lake water supply allocations (see Future Plans).

The Cape Fear River Basin Water Supply Plan will in no way dictate the future water supply activities of local units of government. Rather, the plan will rely upon information provided by local governments in their own plans and on other public information to project long-range water supply needs and how those needs might be met. The plan will identify future water supply requirements and water supply sources for that portion of the Cape Fear River Basin located above Lock and Dam #1. The plan may evaluate several water use scenarios to determine their effects on Basin water resources. These scenarios should not be interpreted as recommendations of the Division of Water Resources.

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If you have any questions or comments contact Nora Deamer at or (919)707-9119.

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