Neuse River Basin Model
Neuse River Basin Model

Model Development Project Launch
North Carolina Division of Water Resources has launched the hydrologic model development project for Neuse River basin. Project kick off meeting was held in Raleigh, NC on February 25, 2008.
Need for a Hydrologic Model
The Neuse basin covers 6235 square miles of drainage area entirely within North Carolina. The basin supplies water to the population of nearly 1.4 million residing in 22 counties within the basin up and downstream of the Triangle, one of the state's fastest growing areas. Ground water is a major source of water for the communities in the coastal plains in this basin. However, the Piedmont area of the basin mostly relies on surface water withdrawn from the lakes or directly from the river, which represents the two thirds of the total demand in the basin.
A computer model is a needed tool for this surface water management purposes. For long term planning, the State can use the model in making regulatory decisions by evaluating potential impacts of proposed projects with significant water withdrawals within the basin and interbasin transfer permit application, planning for increased water use due to continuous growth, and in real time in managing the basin having challenges of resources, and operational and regulatory constraints during a drought condition.
OASIS, a patented, mass balance, water resources simulation/optimization model will be developed for the Neuse river basin. This basinwide model will use the finest practical geographic resolution and timestep.
Background Information
How can I get access to the model?
Contact Charles Theobald ( or Nora Deamer to request access to the model.
If you have a comment or question on the Neuse plan/model, please contact us at:
Final Model Update:
- AgIrrig Data MoffattNichol Draft Report 050709
- Appendix A - Model Run Code
- Appendix B - Finalized Inflow Data Development
- Appendix C - Provisional Inflow Data Development
- Appendix D - Model Weighting Description 28oct2009
- Modeling the Neuse River Basin Operations with OASIS
- Oasis Validation Results Sept09
Prior Meetings:
March 25, 2009 Technical Review Committee Meeting Information
- Agenda 032509
- Consultant Presentation
- Invoice Status Chart
- Invoice Status Table
- Meeting Summary 032509
- TRC Attendance
November 12, 2008 Technical Review Committee Meeting Information
- Agenda 111208
- Meeting Presentation 111208
- Updated Model Schematic 111908
- Meeting Summary 111208
- Sign-up Sheet 111208