Yadkin-Pee Dee and Lumber River Basins Combined Model

Model Development Project Launch
In 2020, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources launched the combined hydrologic model development project for Yadkin Pee Dee and Lumber River basins. The project kickoff meeting was held in Salisbury, NC on March 4, 2020.
Need for a Hydrologic Model
The North Carolina portions of the Yadkin Pee Dee and Lumber River basins cover areas of 7,221 square miles and 3,329 square miles respectively. Along the varied landscape of the basins from the mountains in the north-west to the relatively flat coastal areas, there are areas that have been hit by storm or drought in the past that faced the challenges of resource and operational constraints to manage the river operation and supply the basic water needs for the growing population and for recreational purposes. Water use in the basins are split between groundwater and surface water sources. The model will only cover the surface water use in the basin.
A computer model is a needed tool for evaluating surface water resources management in the basin. For long term planning, the State uses the model for evaluating potential impacts of proposed projects with new or increased water withdrawals within the basin as well as interbasin transfer permit applications. Local units of government as well as the State can use the model to plan for increased water use due to growth, and to evaluate the effects of operational and regulatory constraints during a drought condition.
OASIS, a patented, mass balance, water resources simulation/optimization combined model will be developed for the Yadkin Pee Dee and Lumber river basins. The State currently has OASIS models for the Broad, Cape Fear, French Broad, Neuse, New, Roanoke, Tar and Watauga river basins. This basinwide model uses a daily time step and includes surface water withdrawals and discharges greater than 100,000 gallons per day.
Background Information
March 4, 2020 Kick Off Meeting Information
• NCDWR_Model and Plan Development Process
• Consultant_Hydrologic Model Overview
• Yadkin Pee Dee Water Interconnection Map 2007
December 11, 2020 Meeting #2 Information
January 22, 2021 Meeting #3 - Training Information
Training Video (761 MB)
Final Model Documents
- Modeling Yadkin-Pee Dee Lumber RB Operations with Oasis
- Yadkin-Pee Dee Lumber Data Collection
- Appendix A - Model Static Input Data and Runcode
- Appendix B - Finalized Inflow Data Development
- Appendix C - Provisional Inflow Data Development
Contact Information
How can I stay informed on the development of the model?
Subscribe to the DWR-Yadkin-Lumber model email list:
Contact staff by email at : dwr-yadkin-lumber-staff@ncdenr.gov.
If you would like access to the OASIS model, contact Neelufa Sarwar (neelufa.sarwar@ncdenr.gov) or Pam Behm (pamela.behm@ncdenr.gov) to request access.