Approved TMDL Alternatives


5r Watershed Restoration Plans


Bald Creek - French Broad River Basin

Haskett Creek - Cape Fear River Basin

Pine Knoll Shores - White Oak River Basin

  • Pollutant: Fecal Coliform
  • Assessment Units: 20-36-(8.5)a8, 20-36-(8.5)a9, 20-36-(8.5)d, 20-36-(8.5)e, 20-36-(8.5)f, 20-36-(8.5)i
  • Pine Knoll Shores 9 Element Plan


Richland Creek - French Broad River Basin

Swearing Creek - Yadkin River Basin

Walnut Creek - Neuse River Basin

  • Target: Fish Community, PCB Fish Tissue Advisory
  • Assessment Units: NC27-34-(1), NC27-34-(1.5), NC27-34-(1.7), NC27-34-(1.7), NC27-34-(3.5), NC27-34-(4)a, NC27-34-(4)a, NC27-34-(4)b, NC27-34-6a, NC27-34-6b
  • Walnut Creek Watershed Action Plan

Approved 4b Demonstration Plans

Falls Lake - Neuse River Basin

Falls Lake was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1981 in order to provide flood control, drinking water supply, protection of downstream water quality, fish and wildlife conservation, and recreation.

Following questions in 2004 over the condition of Falls Lake, DWR began more intensive sampling for use support assessment. A Falls Lake Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed in July 2005 to assist DWR with the review and modification of the monitoring strategy and developing levels of confidence for decision making associated with the monitoring and lake modeling activities. The field study was completed in fall 2007. Based on water quality data collected between 2002 and 2006, Falls Lake was listed as impaired for chlorophyll a on the draft NC 2008 303(d) list. The portion of the lake above I-85 was also listed as impaired for turbidity.

The Falls Lake Rules were adopted in January 2011 to achieve water quality standards in the lake by reducing the amount of pollution entering upstream. The rules are a staged nutrient management strategy designed to reduce nutrient discharges to the lake from various sources, including stormwater runoff from new and existing development, wastewater treatment plants and agriculture. Falls Lake was placed into category 4b in 2012.

Hominy Creek  - Neuse River Basin

Little Alamance Creek - Cape Fear River Basin

In December 2010, the NC DWR requested public comment on the Draft Total Maximum Daily Load to Address Impaired Biological Integrity in the Little Alamance Creek Watershed, Alamance County, Cape Fear River Basin (Assessment Unit 16-19-11). The affected parties (Cities of Graham and Burlington and the NC DOT) requested the opportunity to address the impairment through development of an alternative TMDL plan that, when implemented, will allow for the achievement of the biological integrity standard in Little Alamance Creek.

EPA provided documentation supporting the 4b classification of Little Alamance Creek in January 2015. Information and watershed activities resulting from this project plan will be distributed through a public website (under development) hosted by the project partners.



McDowell Creek - Catawba River Basin

Mecklenburg County completed a watershed plan for McDowell Creek in 2006. The plan is a ‘comprehensive roadmap for the management and restoration of surface waters in the entire watershed.’ Category 4b was a relatively new option at the time this plan was developed, however DWR recognized that all of the elements required for a 4b demonstration were included in the plan. DWR was able to successfully recategorize McDowell Creek to 4b in 2008.

For the most current version of the plan visit the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services McDowell Creek Project Page