Local Governments Recycling Programs
North Carolina counties and municipalities are encouraged to offer electronics recycling services and information to the public to help ensure widespread compliance with the disposal ban on computer equipment and televisions effective July 1, 2011.
- Seek an electronics recycler who will handle materials responsibly. Look for a recycler that holds either the R2 or e-Stewards certification.
- Session Law 2010-67 offers eligible local governments opportunities for funding to operate public electronics recycling programs.
- State Term Contract 7612B is a convenience contract for North Carolina local governments. This contract provides local governments with a selection of vendors that will provide collection services to public electronics recycling programs. Public recycling programs may choose from any vendor listed on Level A.
- NC DEQ's Division of Waste Management maintains a list of registered electronics recyclers.
- Local governments can also investigate other recycling markets for electronic equipment through the North Carolina Recycling Markets Directory.
- Plan to provide information to households on their electronics recycling options, including your own electronics recycling services, available manufacturer and retail take-back programs, and local charitable outlets for good, working electronics materials.
- Regulatory Information on Electronics Management