Winston-Salem Regional Office

450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Phone: 336-776-9800
Fax: 336-776-9797
Contact Winston-Salem Regional Office Staff
Regional Office Information
From East
- I-40 W.
- Take the US-52 North/NC-8 North exit, exit number 193B, towards Mount Airy.
- Merge onto US-52 N.
- Go approximately 10.5 miles on US-52 N
- Take the West Hanes Mill Rd. exit, exit number 116.
- Turn Right onto West Hanes Mill Rd
- Immediately past SciWorks
- Turn Left into the parking lot.
From West
- The same as above except I-40 East, Exit 193A
Please contact the Division of Air Quality's Winston-Salem Regional Office with questions or concerns regarding:
- Open Burning
- Vehicle Emissions
- Odors
- Dust
Regional Supervisor: Davis Murphy
Compliance Supervisor: (Vacant)
Local Program (Forsyth County) Director: William Minor Barnette
- Land and geologic resources
- Mining
- Dams
- Sediment and Erosion Control
- Stormwater Management
Environmental Assistance Coordinator
Paul Williams
450 West Hanes Mill Rd., Suite 300
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
336-776-9631 (Direct)
336-776-9800 (Winston-Salem Switchboard)
- Solid waste
- Landfills
- Land-clearing debris
- Underground storage tank(s) installation and operation
- Leaking underground storage tanks
- Cleanup of underground storage tank(s) releases
- Non-underground storage tank(s) petroleum releases
Western District Supervisor: Deborah Aja
(828) 296-4702
- Public water system compliance and assistance
- Wastewater compliance inspections and technical assistance
- NPDES, Nondischarge, Animal Feeding Operations, Collection Systems, Residuals
- Complaint response and emergency response related to impacts to surface waters
- Monitor & collect surface water samples (ambient monitoring)
- Buffer, stream and wetland activities including 401 certifications
- Issuance of Fast Track Sewer Extension permits, non-residential well construction permits and pump-and-haul permits
- Trout Buffer Factsheet- Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
- Riparian Buffer Information
- Express permitting option for quicker permit reviews. Options available are: Erosion and Sedimentation Control.
- Water Supply Watershed Map - An interactive web-based map to help determine if your project is located in a water supply watershed. Always contact your local government to verify current boundaries and classifications of water supply watershed areas.
- Stormwater Permitting Interactive Map Viewer - An interactive web-based map to help determine which stormwater permitting requirements may apply to your project - you will need to scroll down until you see "Post-Construction Stormwater Map". Please be sure to read all information below the section titled "Post-Construction Stormwater Map".
- Surface Water Classifications - Find a stream name, index number, and classification.