PM10-2.5 Distribution Statistics for 2012

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Table 1. The following table shows summary statistics for PM10-2.5. The first column identifies the county and site name; the second column shows the number of valid samples; the third column shows the percentage of these samples for which negative concentration values were computed; the 4ththrough 7th columns show indicated percentile statistics, 25%, 50%, 75% and 98%; and the 8th column shows the arithmetic mean value.

County / SiteNo. Obs.% neg.25th %50th %75th %98th %Arith. Mean
Mecklenburg / Garinger1140.03.975.757.4813.156.10
Mecklenburg / Montclaire 11180.04.326.459.5719.917.61
Mecklenburg / Montclaire 2610.03.705.209.3021.567.11
Durham / Durham1120.03.915.566.8615.675.91
Wake / Millbrook1190.03.795.337.0412.455.66
Catawba / Hickory*560.04.256.608.8716.396.87
Forsyth / Winston-Salem*3383.83.214.886.6212.114.99
Guilford / Greensboro*5010.02.795.228.2813.685.42
Martin / Jamesville*591.
Cumberland / Fayetteville*581.74.076.517.9612.576.14

* Computed using nonmatching PM10 and PM2.5 monitor methods.