Forms, Permit & Application Tracking

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Applications & Reporting Forms

Well Construction Permitting




Application & Permit Tracking

DEQ has implemented a permit application tracking system via an interactive map, which can be searched using the applicant, county, facility, permit type, or other criteria.  Likewise, DWR permitting programs have developed a similar means of finding information about permits that have been issued.

  • Permit Application Tracking System - Use this interactive map to find information about well permit applications and how to contact the application reviewer.  As  permits are issued and permit-by-rule notifications are processed they will eventually be removed from this data set and appear on one of the maps below. 
  • Permitted Facilities:  Injection Wells -  Use this interactive map to find permit numbers and other information about injection wells permitted for geothermal heating/cooling,  in situ soil/groundwater remediation, or aquifer storage and recovery facilities.  This includes facilities permitted by rule and those issued an individual permit.
  • Permitted Facilities:  Other Wells - Use this interactive map to find information about facilities permitted for monitoring, recovery, and large capacity water supply wells (a well or well system designed to produce 100,000 gallons per day or greater).

Interactive Data