Individual Industrial Permits

Fee adjustments 2023

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Many permit fees have changed for applications received on or after October 3, 2023. North Carolina’s 2023 Appropriations Act Session Law 2023-134 includes fee adjustments for 28 Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) programs, including Stormwater. A full list of fee adjustments is available on the DEQ website.

General permits apply to numerous broad categories of industrial activities with potential stormwater discharges. Industries that are not eligible for any of the general permits are required to seek an individual permit.

Apply for a New Individual Permit

Complete the following three steps:

Renew an Existing Individual Permit

Complete the following three steps no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date

Representative Outfall Status (ROS) Requests

To request or continue ROS designation for one or more stormwater outfalls, complete these steps:

Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Forms for Individual Permits

Below are generic DMR forms:

How to Submit Paper DMRs Before eDMR is Implemented

The Stormwater Program is planning for NPDES Stormwater Industrial individual permitted facilities to use electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports in 2022.  Until your facility begins using eDMR, follow this NEW procedure for submitting eDMRs: