Stormwater Program
Fee adjustments 2023
North Carolina’s 2023 Appropriations Act Session Law 2023-134 includes fee adjustments for 28 Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) programs, including Stormwater. A full list of fee adjustments is available on the DEQ website.
NOTE: The Division of Energy Mineral and Land Resources is implementing administrative changes to the timelines for the Post-Construction Stormwater permit. To learn more click here.

The DEMLR Stormwater Program protects North Carolina's surface water from water quality impacts due to stormwater runoff. We use a combination of communication, innovation, leadership, and regulation as we work toward this important mission.
This page provides key announcements and overviews of these programs.
eDMR update: We continue to work through eDMR registrations and outfall entries into the system, but there has been a delay as we manage staff limitations. Permittees who already submitted registration forms but are still awaiting ownership updates or registration confirmation should continue to follow instructions for submitting DMRs below the table on this webpage.
- The Wow Stormwater Webinar page includes links to recordings of previous webinars. The next event will be held on April 16, 2025. Register Here and use this WebEx Link to attend.
- There is an updated NPDES Permit Renewal and Audits Schedule.
- New staff have joined the Stormwater Team, see the Contacts page for more information.
- Permittees are starting to enter eDMR. Learn more here. Please note that we are behind on eDMR registrations as a result of staff changes and are working to catch up. Permittees who already submitted registration forms but have not received information yet should continue to submit DMRs on paper in the interim.
- Do not mail DMRs to Central Files! For guidance on submitting DMRs, see the Industrial page for more information.
- Electronic payment of annual permit fees is convenient and quick! Click here: Stormwater ePayments. There is no fee for eCheck. The convenience fee for a credit card is 2.65% and the convenience fee for a debit card is $3.95.
Digital files are now available for the following NPDES permit types: Industrial, MS4 and Construction Stormwater. The Post-Construction permit files are currently being scanned and will be added to the Stormwater Program Laserfiche Repository as they become available. Permit files are grouped into folders according to permit type and sorted by permit number. If you do not wish to sort through a list of permit numbers, you may enter the facility address in the Active Stormwater Permits Map, click on the dot corresponding with the permit, and click "more info" at the end of the dialog box to open the permit file.
- Stormwater Overview page:
- Stormwater ePayments page:
- Construction Stormwater page:
- NPDES Industrial SW page:
- Stormwater eDMR page:
- Active Stormwater Permits Map page:
- Flooding page:
- Stormwater Design Manual:
Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that includes the address of the facility, contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s) for the facility.
To update the:
- Facility/Company name or ownership, complete the Name/Ownership Change Form
- Legally responsible person (Owner Affiliation), complete the Permit Contact Update Request Form
- Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA), complete the Permit Contact Update Request Form
- Billing contact, complete the Permit Contact Update Request Form
- Permit contact, complete the Permit Contact Update Request Form
- Facility contact, complete the Permit Contact Update Request Form
- Facility address only, email Bethany Georgoulias.
- Stormwater outfall information, email Bethany Georgoulias.

Post-Construction Program
The Post-construction Stormwater Program requires new developments in subject areas of the state to install and maintain permanent stormwater management measures after the project is built. The Stormwater Design Manual is a technical guidance document about implementing the rules pertaining to post-construction stormwater. The companion to the manual is the Stormwater Control Measure Credit Document, which includes the state’s estimation of each SCM’s effectiveness in protecting hydrology and removing pollutants. Learn more here.

NPDES Construction Program
The NPDES Construction Stormwater Program regulates construction activities that disturb more than one acre under a general permit (NCG010000 or NCG250000). Permittees are required to develop and implement a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan, adhere to materials handling protocols, inspect their sites and maintain records. The DEMLR Stormwater and Sedimentation Programs partner to implement the program. Learn more here.

NPDES Industrial Program
The NPDES Industrial Program covers approximately 4,130 facilities (3100 under general permits, 150 under individual permits, and 880 facilities under no exposure certifications). Industrial activities are required to manage and monitor their facilities for potential sources of stormwater pollution. See our NPDES Permit Renewal and Audits Schedule for information on which year your permit will be renewed. Learn more here.

NPDES MS4 Program
The NPDES MS4 Program covers 122 entities within urbanizing areas, such as municipalities, counties and universities. Other MS4 permittees include military bases and NCDOT. MS4 entities implement measures within their jurisdictions to prevent and control stormwater pollution from developed areas. Learn more here.

Water Supply Watershed Program
The Water Supply Watershed Program covers 285 local governments that have land use jurisdiction in one of the state's 228 water supply watersheds. Learn more here.