Data, Annual Reports and Publications
2022 Compost Capacity Report
DEACS surveyed the state's food waste composters to determine their operational capacity to accept additional food waste. DEACS compared that total of 350,000 tons per year with the estimated 2.5 million tons generated per year. 2022 Compost Capacity Report.
2024 State of the State Recycling Report
The State of the State Recycling Report presents recycling, composting, and waste reduction data from North Carolina local government programs for the 2023-24 fiscal year. This brief report summarizes highlights from the waste reduction chapter within the full NC Consolidated Waste Management Report.
NC Consolidated Waste Management Report
A comprehensive report outlining the state’s efforts regarding solid waste and materials management is published each year along with associated appendices listing per capita disposal and total disposal by county. These reports are submitted to the General Assembly and can be accessed through the Division of Waste Management Annual Reports website.
Local Government Solid Waste and Materials Management Annual Reporting
Each North Carolina county and municipality is required to complete an annual report on their solid waste and recycling activities. For more information on reporting requirements and to obtain a copy of the current annual report form, please visit the Solid Waste Section Annual Reporting website.
To view and download archived copies of previously submitted local government annual reports, please visit the Local Government Solid Waste and Materials Management Annual Reports.
Local Government Recycling Fee Study
The Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service analyzed five years of local government solid waste and recycling fee data collected from N.C. Solid Waste and Materials Management Annual Reports from FY 2015-16 through FY 2019-20. The Five-Year Analysis of Household Solid Waste and Recycling Fees includes the solid waste, recycling, yard waste, bulky waste, and/or availability fees charged by local governments per household.
Local Government Per Capita Recycling Performance
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2023-2024
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2022-2023
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2021-2022
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2020-2021
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2019-2020
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2018-2019
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2017-2018
- County Per Capita Recycling Performance - Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Recycling Jobs Study
Updated in 2020, the periodic Employment Trends in North Carolina's Recycling Industry study quantifies the impacts of recycling on jobs in North Carolina and points to the economic importance of continuing and expanding recycling programs across the state.
Organics Recycling Study
Updated in 2020, the NC Organics Recycling Study analyzes materials managed at commercial composting facilities for the ten-year period between 2011-2020. The study also reports food recovery efforts through four strategies: food rescue, animal feeding operations, commercial composting and anaerobic digestion.
College and University Annual Recycling Report
The Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service conducts an annual College and University Recycling Report that covers waste diverstion and materials management trends at public community colleges and universities across North Carolina.
2020 Recycling Business Grant Profiles
DEACS created profiles for 15 recipients of the state's 2020 Recycling Business Development Grant. Grantees received awards to fund equipment or infrastructure projects that would improve the quantity or quality of recyclables managed in the state. 2020 Recycling Business Grant Profiles
Recycling Pricing Trends for North Carolina
The Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service tracks pricing trends for recyclables commonly managed in North Carolina. To view pricing trends for basic recyclable commodities please visit Pricing Trends. For more resources on commodity pricing and information on specific materials, please visit Pricing Resources.
DEACS Annual Report
The Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service's Annual Report highlights the success of recycling in North Carolina and promotes the development of a recycling economy across the state.