Composting Resources
Tab/Accordion Items
NC Organics Recycling Studies
- Case Study on Compost Haulers 2024
- NC Organics Recycling Study 2020: Materials Managed 2011-2020 and Food Recovered 2019 (NCDEQ January 2021)
- NC Organics Recycling Study 2016: Materials Managed 2011-2015 and Food Recovered 2015 (NCDEQ June 2016)
Additional NCDEQ Publications
- Composting Facility Stormwater BMPs Informational Manual - DRAFT (NC DEQ, September 2015)
- North Carolina 2012 Food Waste Generation Study (NCDEQ August 2012)
- Composting Laboratories (Updated May 2017)
- Food Recovery in North Carolina (Biocycle October 2015, Mouw & Montezuma)
- Composting Supports Jobs and Healthy Watersheds (ILSR, Brenda Platt)
- Waste Not in Asheville (BioCycle April 2013 Sean Clark)
- Trailblazing with Food Waste Diversion - Brooks Contractor (Winter 2000, Craig S. Coker)
- Composting Food Discards at the 1999 Special Olympics World Summer Games (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill)
- Developing Trash-Free Special Events: A Planning Guide for North Carolina Communities and Event Planners (June 2000, The Eno River Association)
- Fate of Formaldehyde in MDF Sawdust during MSW Composting, Suchat Leungprasert and Lambert Otten.
- Wake County Food Recovery Summit Presentation (Feb 6, 2017 Jorge Montezuma NC DEQ)
- Save The Food Webinar Recording (Nov 3, 2016) (food waste prevention at the consumer level -- NRDC, AdCouncil, NC DEQ)
- Expanding Organics Recycling through Non-Regulatory Efforts (USCC 2016 Jorge Montezuma NC DEQ)
- Expanding Food Scraps Recycling through State Assistance (Food Recovery Summit 2015 Jorge Montezuma NC DEQ)
- Compost Facility Management Basics (Frank Franciosi 2005)
- Building a Food Waste Diversion Program (Brooks Contractor)
- Compost Tea (Brian Rosa NC DEQ)
- Composting Industrial and Commercial Organics (Craig Coker 2000 NC DEQ)
- How Compost Can Affect Soil Quality (William Brinton, Woods End Research Lab)
- Viewing Organics Recycling as an Economic Development Tool (Craig Coker 2000 NC DEQ)
- Fostering Food Recycling (Craig Coker 1999 NC DEQ)
- North Carolina Municipalities
- North Carolina
- North Carolina Composting Council
- N.C. Cooperative Extension Service: Composting
- N.C. Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section: Composting
- N.C. Division of Water Quality
- N.C. Small Business and Technology Development Center
- Soil/Compost Lab: N.C. Department of Agriculture and Customer Service
- Local Food Infrastructure Inventory Map (CEFS)
- Other States
- National
- Technical Resources
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