UST Service Provider Listing

The Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Section has compiled a list of companies that offer services to UST owners and operators. The information is provided on a voluntary basis as a courtesy to UST owners and operators. The listing should not be considered a recommendation or an approval of any of the companies on the list. You should obtain quotes from several companies and compare experience, training, fees, insurance coverage, references and professional licensure to determine which company best suits your needs.

The companies on each report are listed in alphabetical order. The list will be updated at the end of each month. Below are the reports which are divided in to three different geographical areas of the state as well as one report for the entire state.

The reports below show all companies who perform tasks in the highlighted category.

Report listing ALL registered UST Service Providers that provide CORROSION PROTECTION SERVICES (e.g. CP Design, testing, repair, Internal inspections, Lining inspections)PDF
Report listing ALL registered UST Service Providers that provide LEAK DETECTION TESTING SERVICES (e.g. ALLD, Sump, Tank, Piping, and Spill bucket testing; Leak Detection and Overfill Operability Checks; SIR ServicesPDF
Report listing ALL registered UST Service Providers that provide ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (e.g. site checks, soil and groundwater cleanup, waste disposal)PDF
Report listing ALL registered UST Service Providers that are UST EQUIPMENT SERVICE CONTRACTORS (e.g. UST installations, spill bucket and sump installation/repair, UST System removal)PDF

If you are a service provider and would like to have your company listed then download and complete the UST Service Provider Listing form and submit to the UST Section. (NOTE: If you open the form in your web browser and the submit buton does not function, then you will need to download the file to your computer and open in Adobe Acrobat.)

If you have previously submitted your companies information but need to update your listing, then submit a new UST Service Provider Listing form that contains all of the current information you want listed for your company. By submitting the form you are authorizing the UST Section to include the information on the Section's website. Company information will be listed on the report for three years from submittal or update of a submittal. After three years, you will need to re-submit this form to keep your company on the list.

If you have any questions concerning the form then contact or at (336) 983-0561.