EPA has finalized the NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule. Click here to learn more

What is eDMR?

The North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NC DWR) Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) is a web enabled application developed to capture discharge monitoring information. It allows wastewater treatment facilities to send Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) to NC DWR electronically via the internet.

The eDMR application provides users with an alternative to submitting hand-written or paper-based DMRs that is faster, more efficient, and less burdensome for both the regulated users and the NC DWR.

The eDMR application will give the wastewater facility greater control over its data quality. It will provide on-line availability of DMR requirements and process status.

The eDMR application will provide permitted facilities with the ability to enter or import required DMR data and the ability to view, print, and revise DMRs stored within the database.

eDMR Login

Benefits of eDMR Reporting

  • Improvements in data quality and data availability
  • Online access to permit limits and monitoring requirements
  • Online access to electronically submitted monitoring reports
  • Built in validation rules reduce reporting errors
  • Ability to import data from existing facility system

Current eDMR participants

As of October 7, 2019, NC DWR is compliant with the electronic signature component of US EPA’s electronic reporting requirements. Therefore, all reports submitted in the eDMR system are accepted with electronic signature and no signed hardcopy is required to be mailed to NC DWR. This applies to any report submitted after October 7, 2019, including revisions to past reports. Once a report is submitted and electronically signed, the reporting requirement has been completed and signed copies are no longer required to be mailed to Central Files.

Important Considerations for Registration

The eDMR application is now able to accept more than one set of upstream/downstream data. Those facilities with required multiple stream sampling locations should contact Caroline Robinson at 919-707-9130 prior to registration to ensure the permit information in the state's data system reflects the required multiple stream sampling locations.

Please note that only NPDES wastewater and water treatment plant facilities and NPDES stormwater will be able to submit DMRs electronically. The eDMR application does not have the capability, at this time, to receive NDAR, NDMR or other program monitoring reports.

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