Water Quality Regional Operations

The Water Quality Regional Operations section focuses on service to the regional surface water and groundwater concerns of citizens, local governments and business communities. Regional office staff issue permits for sewer extensions, wetland and stream impacts, and well construction. Regional offices personnel also conduct permitted facility inspections and incident investigations.
To contact your regional office representatives please click here.
To report spills, sewer system overflows, potential algae blooms, and fish kills please visit the Division of Water Resources Emergency Response page.
Water Quality Regional Operations focuses on the protection and enhancement of the state's groundwater, the primary source of drinking water for half of North Carolina residents. To protect this important resource, we:
- Permit construction of wells for groundwater monitoring and extracting/treating contaminated groundwater, as well as injection wells used for heating, cooling or remediation.
- State and federal permitting waste handling and utilization at animal feeding operations, manure hauler operations, and the distribution and marketing of products containing animal residuals across the state.
- Compliance activities including annual inspections and any follow-up enforcement actions on permitted animal feeding operations and related sites across the state.
- Perform planning on the interaction of groundwater, surface water and geological formations in order to characterize and anticipate groundwater contamination and potential threats to human health.
- Respond to and manage clean up actions for incidents caused by wastewater discharge or non-discharge facilities subject to permitting under Control of sources of water pollution (G.S. 143-215.1); well construction activities subject to the NC Well Construction Act (G.S. 87-88); agricultural operations including application of agricultural chemicals (does not include spills or disposal of such chemicals); and naturally occurring contamination.
Contact Information:
Water Quality Regional Operations Main Office:
Physical Address: 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636
Main Telephone: (919) 707-9129
Fax: (919) 807-6480
Water Quality Related Operations:
Groundwater Resources Site - Groundwater and well permitting and compliance
Animal Feeding Operations Information - Oversight of animal waste systems