Charlotte Water Interbasin Transfer Certificate 2024 Modification Proposal
The greater Charlotte region has seen a high growth rate over the past decade, which is expected to continue. Charlotte Water is committed to ensuring the community it serves has a reliable water supply that maintains pace with this development and that meets the region’s water demands into the future. To keep up with this demand, Charlotte Water submitted a Notice of Intent to request a modification of the 2002 IBT Certificate to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission on Feb. 22, 2024.

Charlotte Water will be requesting an increase to its currently authorized amount of interbasin transfer to meet the region’s growing needs through the 30-year planning period required by the State of North Carolina statute. In close coordination with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Charlotte Water will prepare and submit to NCDEQ an environmental impact statement (EIS) document that describes the purpose and need for the IBT Modification, discusses alternatives to meet the purpose and need, and details any potential impacts on the natural and human environment.

Background Documentation
Charlotte Water Notice of Intent (NOI) to Increase Interbasin Transfer
Charlotte Water 2002 Interbasin Transfer Certificate
Charlotte Water's 2002 Interbasin Transfer Certificate allows for water transfer of 33 million gallons per day on a maximum day basis from Lake Norman and Mountain Island Lake in the Catawba River Basin (source basin) to the Rocky River Basin (receiving basin) via consumptive use in eastern Mecklenburg County, and existing discharges at Mallard Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County's (WSACC) Rocky River Regional (RRR) WWTP.
Charlotte Water 2002 Interbasin Transfer Certificate information