Field Lab Certification
Laboratories analyzing environmental samples for only the following parameters may apply for Field Lab certification. This includes laboratories analyzing only the following parameters for others and charging a fee.
- Total Residual Chlorine
- Dissolved Oxygen
- pH
- Specific Conductance
- Temperature
- Settleable Residue
- Free Available Chlorine
- Sulfite
- Salinity
- Turbidity
- VAR Options 5, 6 & 12
Initial Application Process
To begin the process for initial Field Laboratory certification, you may request an application form by emailing one of the certification contacts, or you may download the application from the forms section of this site.
The following must be returned to this office as part of the application package.
- Application - must be completed in its entirety with applicable signature and date (directions for completing an application can be accessed here).
- Proficiency Testing results - acceptable results for proficiency testing (PT) samples for each requested parameter method (for which a PT is available) must be submitted directly from an approved vendor (additional PT requirements can be found in Field Lab PT Requirements).
- Standard Operating Procedure - an SOP is required for each method requested for certification
After a complete review of the application package, the auditor assigned to the applicant lab may arrange for the initial on-site inspection of the laboratory's analytical capabilities. The auditor may require evidence of remedial action for any findings cited during the on-site visit prior to proceeding with the application process.
Fees Associated with Field Laboratory Certification
Once the auditor is satisfied that all requirements have been met, the auditor will send the lab an invoice for the appropriate fee. The fee schedule established in 15A NCAC 2H .0806 is as follows for Field Laboratories.
Fee description | Field Lab Type | Amount | |||
Initial application fee | Not applicable to Field Labs | ||||
Initial certification fee | Municipal Field Laboratory1 | $250.00 per year | |||
Industrial Field Laboratory2 | $250.00 per year | ||||
In-State Commercial Field Laboratory3 | $500.00 per year | ||||
Out-of-State Commercial Field Laboratory3 | $750.00 per year | ||||
Annual (renewal) certification fee | Municipal Field Laboratory1 | $250.00 per year | |||
Industrial Field Laboratory2 | $250.00 per year | ||||
In-State Commercial Field Laboratory3 | $500.00 per year | ||||
Out-of-State Commercial Field Laboratory3 | $750.00 per year | ||||
Late payment of annual fee4 | All Field Laboratory types | $50.00 | |||
Administrative fee for adding a Parameter Method | All Field Laboratory types | $50.00 per Parameter Method | |||
Other expenses include annual and remedial PT samples | varies per lab and vendor | ||||
NOTES | |||||
1Municipal Field Laboratory means a laboratory, including its agents or employees, operated by a municipality or other local government to analyze Field Parameter samples only, from its wastewater or wastewater from its water treatment plant(s). | |||||
2Industrial Field Laboratory means a laboratory, including its agents or employees, operated by an industry to analyze Field Parameter samples only, from its wastewater or wastewater from its water treatment plant(s). | |||||
3Commercial Field Laboratory means any laboratory, including its agents or employees, which is seeking to analyze or is analyzing Field Parameter samples, for others for a fee. | |||||
4Annual certification fees are due 60 days after receipt of invoice. |
Initial Certification
Upon receipt of payment, a certificate will be awarded with the NC WW/GW LCB certificate number and a certificate attachment detailing the parameters and methods within the scope of the laboratory's certification. Certification expires each year on December 31.
Maintenance of Certification
During subsequent years, laboratories must obtain acceptable results on PT samples for each applicable parameter method on their certificate. The graded results must be received in this office on or before September 30. Each laboratory is also subject to announced or unannounced inspections and must send a written corrective action response to inspection reports within the time allotted. Anytime there is a change in laboratory name, address, location, ownership, management (supervisor or manager), telephone number, methodology, reporting limits or major equipment, the laboratory shall notify this office in writing or by submitting an amendment to certification application within 30 days of the effective date of change.
Renewal of Existing Field Lab Certification
Renewal notification letters and renewal invoices are sent to all laboratories on July 1 for the following year's certification fees. Annual fees must be paid within 60 days of receipt of the invoice. Approximately 2 to 3 weeks before the end of the current calendar year, the NC WW/GW LC program will send all laboratories that paid their annual renewal fees, a renewal letter and new certificate with a certified parameters listing for the following year.
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This page was last modified on 03/03/2025