Training and Outreach

The NC WW/GW LC program strives to assist laboratories and laboratory analysts in improving the quality of the environmental data they produce and to help bring them into compliance with state and federal regulations. In this capacity, the program offers a variety of resources for learning including technical assistance visits to laboratories, training workshops, as well as multi-media training material (such as PowerPoint presentations, technical assistance guidance documents, inspection checklist auditor's guides, policy statements, etc.) found throughout the NC WW/GW Laboratory Certification website. This page will be used to list various opportunities.

Laboratory and Analyst Association Meetings

There are a number of laboratory and analyst groups that meet regularly to discuss issues pertaining to wastewater/groundwater analysis. Often, continuing education credits (CEUs) are offered for attending. The following is a list of those meetings and contact information. If your organization would like to post meetings or workshops on this website, please contact the Laboratory Section website administrator. 



Water Regulations Seminar with NCDEQ

July 20, 2023

NC One Water is offering an opportunity for you to learn directly from NC Public Water Supply Regulators and to learn about other hot drinking water and wastewater topics.  

Go to the Water Regulations Seminar Registration webpage to learn more and register.

The agenda includes Lead and Copper, Revised Total Coliform Rule, Consumer Confidence Report, PFAS in Drinking Water, PFAS NPDES Permits, PFAS and Biosolids, PFAS in Fish, E.coli Standard for Class B Waters, and Microplastics in Water and Wastewater.McKimmon Center and online6 hrs

Western North Carolina Laboratory Analyst Association


Meetings are held in March, May, August and November of each year (prior to Covid); contact Whitney Munroe.


March meeting topic is generally 'Ask the Auditor'

Typically held in Mooresville, Morganton or Newton2.0

The Laboratory Analyst Committee


Contact Amanda Hill to get on a mailing list for upcoming meetings.

 Typically held in Mebane or Winston-Salem 

The Laboratory Analyst Committee Eastern Region


Contact Katie Tresino to get on a mailing list for upcoming meetings 

 Raleigh area 
Toxicology ConferenceAnnual Toxicology Workshop hosted by Environmental Testing SolutionsVariety of topics, not only pertaining to toxicologyAsheville6.0

AWWA/WEA Wastewater Laboratory Analyst Certification Program


For information contact: 

Katherine Powell (

Jennifer Picarella (



WWLAC Exams and Exam Prep  


Link to approved Wastewater Treatment System Operator training courses - TACU

Additional Training Opportunities

Lab Technology Day 

Lab Technology "day" will be held VIRTUALLY again this year on May 4 - 6, 2021.

Click here to download agenda and registration information

The two technical tracks (Wastewater and Drinking Water) will cover subjects ranging from lab techniques, new methodologies, data management, and workforce issues.  This event is sponsored by NCWOA, NC AWWA-WEA, CLANC, NC DWR, and the State Lab of Public Health.  

Presentation given by Dr. Mark Strynar at LTD 2108. Per- and Poly-fluorinated Compounds Analysis Case Study: Cape Fear Drainage Basin

2020 Certification Updates presentation: Updates

Remote Lab Tech Day Seminars

Information regarding remote Lab Tech Day seminars can be found at: North Carolina Waterworks Operators Association


As always, we are eager to hear feedback and receive recommendations for additional training resources you feel are needed. Contact the website administrator with your suggestions and information about training courses in the environmental laboratory field.

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