Maps & Permit Data

Active Stormwater Permits Map  

This interactive map indicates the locations of current stormwater permitees. Be sure to check the legend to see which color dots represent which kind of permits. Note: Construction Stormwater Permits are not on this map.

How to Find Permit Data

The following are provided for informational purposes only and are updated periodically.  Check the permit folder for current information on a project (modifications, rescissions, etc.)

Post-Construction Stormwater Map 

This viewer is only a tool to help in making final determinations about your responsibilities for permit coverage. Please read the information below about using the results of this map viewer.

Please note that if that there are a number of areas currently indicated as "No Program Required" that are subject to special watershed strategies that require stormwater permit coverage.  You can read about this at the Special Designations Descriptions web page.

For assistance with the interactive map, please contact Bethany Georgoulias.

Reference Maps for Determining Permitting Requirements

Impaired Waters & TMDL Map

Waterbody Classification Map

Watershed Drainage Area Map

HQW, ORW and WS Reclassifications

There may be waterbodies that have either recently been reclassified as High Quality Waters, Outstanding Resource Waters or Water Supply Watershed, or are pending reclassification. These areas are not reflected in the current interactive map, but they may now be subject to local or state stormwater program requirements. Be sure to check with the Classification and Standards Unit website for the most recent information.

Post-Construction Stormwater Information

Phase II Entity Designations and Updates (Coming Soon)

Phase II Tipped Counties Map

Phase II Areas Map

Delegated Authorities

Map of Special Watersheds in Mecklenburg and Union Counties

Stormwater GIS Data and Maps

SW Permitting Reference GIS Layer for Post-Construction Interactive Map Viewer (available from DEQ On-line GIS Open Data Page)

ERRATA Sheet  (SW Permitting Reference GIS)

Phase II Stormwater Areas in North Carolina (2013)
This layer includes newer urbanized areas from the 2010 US Census and more recent jurisdictional boundaries. This layer does not include MSIs that were delineated in 2010 ("future MSIs"), that were not yet in effect at the time.

Additional Map Resources

Stormwater Programs Map

EPA: New Urbanized Areas