UST Forms

Note: Some PDFs are dynamic fillable forms with functionality to add/remove pages in the document that do not open with MS Edge or Chromes PDF plugin. To open those forms using MS Edge or Chrome you will need to use your local PDF reader installed on your computer (e.g Adobe Reader). For instructions on how to change Chromes settings to open these forms click here. For instructions for MS Edge click here.

 Corrective ActionPDFWord                           
UST-6124-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting FormPDF 
UST-6224-Hour Notification of Discharge FormPDF 
 Instructions and Form for Notice of Residual Petroleum (UST Releases) WORD
 Instructions and Form for Notice of Residual Petroleum with Alternate Land Use Restriction (UST Releases) WORD
 Instructions and Form for Notice of Residual Petroleum (AST or other non-UST Releases) WORD
 Instructions and Form for Notice of Contaminated Site WORD
 VPH and EPH Laboratory Reporting Forms WORD
 Soil Permitting  
UST-59Groundwater Quality Monitoring Compliance Report FormPDF 
UST-59ACompliance Report FormPDF 
UST-70Non-Discharge Permit Application for Soil Remediation ProjectsPDFWORD
UST-71Certificate of Approval for Storage/Treatment of Soil Containing Petroleum ProductsPDFWORD
UST-72Agreement for Land Application or Containment and Treatment of Soils Containing Petroleum Products on Private LandsPDFWORD
 Soil Acceptance FormPDF 


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 Permits and InspectionRevision DatePDFWord                           
UST-2ASite Investigation Report for Permanent Closure or Change-In-Service - REGISTERED TANKS1/2016PDFWORD
UST-2BSite Investigation Report for Permanent Closure or Change-In-Service - UNREGISTERED TANKS1/2016PDFWORD
UST-3Notice of Intent: UST Permanent Closure or Change-In-Service8/2023PDFWORD
UST-6See next table below for UST-6 Installation Forms   
UST-7ACathodic Protection Testing form for galvanic cathodic protection systems1/2020PDFWORD
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UST-7BCathodic Protection Testing form for impressed current cathodic protection systems1/2020PDFWORD
Dynamic PDF
UST-8Notification for Activities Involving Underground Storage Tanks3/2018PDFWORD
UST-12Closure Report Format (see Comprehensive Appendices for Corrective Action Guidelines )6/21/2023 WORD
UST-15Change of Ownership of UST System(s)2/2018PDFWORD
UST-15AOwnership of UST Systems2/2018PDFWORD
UST-16Manual Tank Gauging Record5/2018PDF 
UST-17AUST Suspected Release 24 Hour Notice Form10/2018PDFWORD
UST-17BUST Suspected Release 7 Day Notice Form10/2015PDFWORD
UST-18Application for Tax Certification10/2015PDFWORD
UST-19Certification of Leak Detection Exemption for Suction Piping Associated with USTs3/2018PDFWORD
UST-20Alternative Fuel/Hazardous Substance Compatibility Checklist10/2015PDFWORD
UST-21Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System 60-Day Record of Rectifier Operation1/2020PDFWORD
UST-22AOverfill Prevention Equipment Operability Check (Instructions)11/2022PDFWORD
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UST-22BAnnual Leak Detection Equipment Operability Check11/2022PDFWORD
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UST-22CAnnual Sump Visual Inspections7/2024PDFWORD
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UST-23ATriennial UST Spill Bucket Integrity Testing11/2022PDFWORD
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Triennial UST Containment Sump/UDC Integrity Testing

Low-Level Hydrostatic Sump Testing Procedures

Dynamic PDF
UST-23CTriennial UST Piping Integrity Testing11/2022PDFWORD
UST-23DTriennial UST Interstice Integrity Testing11/2022PDFWORD
UST-24Certification of No Visible Corrosion on Metallic Piping Components10/2015PDFWORD
UST-27Monthly Walkthrough Inspections11/2022PDFWORD
Dynamic PDF

CNote: Some PDFs are dynamic fillable forms with functionality to add/remove pages in the document that do not open with MS Edge or Chromes PDF plugin. To open those forms using MS Edge or Chrome you will need to use your local PDF reader installed on your computer (e.g Adobe Reader). For instructions on how to change Chromes settings to open these forms click here. For instructions for MS Edge click here.

 Permits and Inspection - Installation FormsRevision DatePDFWord                           
 Instructions for Completing UST-6 Application to Install or Replace USTs2/2025PDF 
UST-6Application to Install or Replace USTs (Pre/Post-Install)12/2023PDFWORD
Dynamic PDF
UST-6CApplication to Install or Replace USTs (Schedule of Materials)10/2015PDFWORD
UST-6DApplication to Install or Replace USTs (UST Spill Bucket Testing)11/2022PDFWORD
Dynamic PDF
UST-6EApplication to Install or Replace USTs (Tank Installation Testing)11/2022PDFWORD
UST-6FApplication to Install or Replace USTs (Containment Sump/UDC Testing)5/2020PDFWORD
Dynamic PDF
UST-6HApplication to Install or Replace USTs (Post-Installation Piping Integrity Testing)11/2022PDFWORD

UST Post-Installation – Temporary Operating Permit Request

Due to the increased volume of applications and to avoid duplication of work the 30-Day temporary operating permit (TOPR) is currently not available.  A complete UST-6 (Post-Installation) package must be submitted to the NCDEQ-UST Section as soon as possible to allow adequate time for a complete review of the documentation and the issuance of a full UST-Permit in a timely manner. 


UST Permit ApplicationRevision DatePDF
Compliance Questionnaire3/2020PDF


Note: Some PDFs are dynamic fillable forms with functionality to add/remove pages in the document that do not open with MS Edge or Chromes PDF plugin. To open those forms using MS Edge or Chrome you will need to use your local PDF reader installed on your computer (e.g Adobe Reader). For instructions on how to change Chromes settings to open these forms click here.

 Financial ResponsibilityRevision DatePDFWord                           
 Chief Financial Officer Letter11/2005PDF 
UST-FR1Certificate of Insurance (UST-FR1)10/2015PDFWORD
 Certificate of Financial Responsibility10/2015PDF 
 Worksheet for Required Amount of Financial Assurance PDF 


Trust FundRevision DatePDFWord                           
State Cleanup Funds
Eligibility Forms                           
Changes effective 3/1/08 Memo3/2008 WORD
Eligibility Flowchart10/2016PDF 
Memo Eligibility Application Form 01/091/2009 WORD
Eligibility Application Form (rev 5/26/2021)5/2021 WORD
Extra Tank Data Worksheet2/2008 WORD
Extra Corrosion Protection & Spill Overflow worksheet2/2008 WORD
Reasonable Rate Documents
98 & 03 Reasonable Rates   
Federal Cleanup Funds
Financial Data Request Form1/2004PDF 


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