Air Quality Sampling

Fluorinated Chemical Emissions

DEQ has taken actions to require Chemours to reduce air emissions of fluorinated compounds from its facility. Annual emissions of these compounds as reported by the facility are available to download below.  

Emissions Inventory table 

Deposition Sampling

In January 2018, the Division of Air Quality began sampling to assess the deposition of GenX via air emissions from the Chemours facility. Weekly reports will be uploaded to Laserfiche at the link below. Note that the data in these reports may not have had the final quality assurance and quality control review completed. 

Laboratory Analysis Reports

The Division of Air Quality is developing a more robust and user-friendly tool to view PFAS deposition data. Previous maps at the links below provide information about our deposition data through 2022. 

Background deposition sampling data from across North Carolina is available on our Air Quality and Emerging Compounds page. 

Emissions Testing

Results of the source testing performed at Chemours since January 2018 are available below.  Chemours has contracted with the source testing company Weston Solutions, Inc. for on-site air emissions sampling.  Chemours has also contracted with Test America Laboratories, Inc. for the methodology, and laboratory analysis.

DAQ staff were present for each source test conducted. 

Emissions Test Reports

Tab/Accordion Items

Week of 1/16/2023
Week of 2/27/2023
Week of 5/22/2023
Week of 9/11/2023
Week of 10/9/2023

Week of 2/7/2022
Week of 5/2/2022
Week of 5/25/2022
Week of 6/27/2022
Week of 7/25/2022
Week of 8/8/2022
Week of 8/22/2022
Week of 9/26/2022
Week of 11/14/2022

Week of 1/7/2019
Week of 1/14/2019
Week of 2/25/2019
Week of 3/25/2019
Week of 4/15/2019
Week of 4/29/2019
Week of 5/20/2019
Week of 6/10/2019
Week of 7/15/2019
Week of 9/9/2019
Week of 9/23/2019
Week of 11/18/2019
Week of 12/2/2019

Week of 1/22/2018
Week of 2/26/2018
Week of 3/19/2018
Week of 4/3/2018 & 4/23/2018
Week of 5/14/2018
Week of 6/11/2018
Week of 7/16/2018
Week of 7/23/2018
Week of 8/20/2018
Week of 11/12/2018

No Test Tracking Assigned
C3 Dimer  VEN
Test aborted due to start-up issues

Week of 12/3/2018

2018-366ST C3 Dimer VEN
Tested 12/6-7/18 after startup/ pluggage issues 


  • VEN: Vinyl Ethers North
  • VES: Vinyl Ethers South
  • PPA: Polymer Processing Aid
  • SW: SemiWorks
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