205(j) WQ Management Planning Grant


Through the Section 205(j) Grant program, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides states with funding to do water quality planning.  These projects can involve identifying the nature, extent and cause of water quality problems or doing planning work to address those problems. Projects can include but are not limited to the development of EPA 9-Element Watershed Restoration Plans for a 12-digit or smaller USGS HUC, mapping stormwater infrastructure, conducting engineering designs for stormwater best management practices, and watershed assessments of pollutant sources.

205(j) grants are only available to regional Councils of Government (COGs); however, COGs may partner with any public sector organization to implement projects. A match is preferred but not required. Once contracted, projects can run for a maximum of 18 months. Funds are dispersed on a quarterly reimbursement basis, with any invoice to be accompanied by a report of the work performed. The Request for Proposals is released annually in summer and projects are selected in fall.

Watch the What is the 205(j) Water Quality Planning Grant? webinar.

Tab/Accordion Items


 2024 205j Timetable for Grant Applications
Friday, July 26, 2024205(j) grant RFP opens
Thursday, September 19, 2024Deadline for proposals; must be received electronically by midnight
Thursday, October 3, 2024Applicants will receive review team’s questions about their proposals
Thursday, October 10, 2024Deadline for applicants to answer review team’s questions
Tuesday, October 29, 2024Applicants notified if selected for funding. Move forward with contracting.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024Deadline for selected applicants to return completed contracting forms to 205(j) grant manager, to enable contracts to be developed on time.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025Contracts executed, projects may start. (Estimated depending on time for contract preparation.)

2024 205(j) Grant Request for Proposals
2024 205(j) Grant Application
2024 205(j) Grant Review Criteria

PIs for funded projects must submit a quarterly report detailing work performed along with any invoice to be reimbursed. If no work is completed in a quarter, no report is required. Project PIs should use the following report and invoice templates:

Quarterly Report Template 
Invoice Template 


Creating a 9-Element Watershed Plan Case Study: Upper Swannanoa River
Regional Water Resources Planning Case Study: Piedmont Climate Resiliency

205j Grant Administrator
Robin Hoffman
(919) 707-3643

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