High Rock Lake Nutrient Management Strategy

High Rock Lake is experiencing water quality issues due to algal blooms that may produce harmful toxins and can cause illness if exposed to humans and pets. The Department of Environmental Quality is currently drafting new state requirements (called “rules”) to address the increased nutrients in this watershed causing the blooms. These rules are expected to impact a wide range of nutrient sources, including, but not limited to, impervious surfaces, stormwater runoff, agriculture, wastewater and riparian buffers.
Beginning in 2022, an informal engagement process was initiated to bring together a wide range of stakeholders from various sectors and regions within the watershed. A steering committee has been selected with membership spanning a diverse cross-section of individuals and groups representing various interests and perspectives. In addition, technical advisory groups (TAGs) have been convened to investigate different control strategies for nutrient sources in the area that drains to High Rock Lake. Phase I of the informal engagement process was completed in December of 2023, and the steering committee released its final report of recommendations for the division to consider during rulemaking.
Download the Steering Committee's Phase I Final Report Here
Planning meetings are being scheduled throughout the rulemaking process and will continue in both informal and formal settings until rules have been adopted by the Environmental Management Commission and become effective. The public is invited to participate. Please contact Joey Hester (919-707-3675, joey.hester@deq.nc.gov) if you have questions or for more information about how you can participate.
High Rock Lake is presently impaired for several water quality parameters including chlorophyll a, turbidity, and pH. Because High Rock is among North Carolina’s largest and most eutrophic lakes, it has long been the subject of focused studies designed to support an anticipated nutrient strategy.
DWR concluded its lake and watershed modeling efforts with support from a technical advisory committee in 2016. As part of North Carolina's Nutrient Criteria Development Plan, the Scientific Advisory Council proposed a revised site-specific chlorophyll-a standard for the Lake, which was subsequently approved by the Environmental Management Commission and EPA in 2022 (see 15A NCAC 02B .0211(4)(a)). Nutrient management strategy development is ongoing with the consultation of watershed stakeholders, and a Steering Committee was convened to provide expert guidance for DWR's rulemaking efforts.
High Rock Lake Rulemaking Charter
The initial phase of informal stakeholder engagement concluded on December 12, 2023. A final stakeholder report is currently in development and will be finalized by the Steering Committee before being be made available for public download.
Subscribe to the High Rock Lake listserv to receive updates about the High Rock Lake nutrient strategy.
December 12, 2023 - Steering Committee
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Septic Load Management Proposal
November 28, 2023 - Stormwater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Draft Tiered Post-Construction Stormwater Proposal, Stormwater TAG Final Report to Steering Committee
November 20, 2023 - Agriculture Technical Advisory Group (canceled)
Materials: Agriculture TAG Final Report to Steering Committee
November 6, 2023 - Stormwater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Draft Tiered Post-Construction Stormwater Proposal
September 27, 2023 - Steering Committee
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
September 26, 2023 - Stormwater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, UNRBA IAIA
August 25, 2023 - Riparian Buffer Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Riparian Buffer TAG Final Report to Steering Committee
August 17, 2023 - Wastewater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Wastewater TAG Final Report to Steering Committee
July 28, 2023 - Steering Committee
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, W. Kerr Scott Reservoir, Septic Systems, Atmospheric Deposition
June 21, 2023 - Riparian Buffer Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Buffer Rules Brochure, Jordan Lake Hearing Officer's Report Excerpts
June 7, 2023 - Stormwater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Draft Tiered Post-Construction Stormwater Proposal
May 31, 2023 - All Stakeholders (Salisbury)
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Recording Part 1, Recording Part 2, Attendees
May 8, 2023 - Agriculture Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
May 4, 2023 - Wastewater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
April 27, 2023 - Riparian Buffer Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, 2015 ERC Report, 2016 EMC Report by Dr. Mike Burchell, NCCN Riparian Buffer Scientific Review
April 26, 2023 - Steering Committee
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, TAG Proposal & Data Update
April 18, 2023 - Stormwater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
March 29, 2023 - All Stakeholders (virtual)
Materials: Agenda, DWR Presentation, Recording
March 15, 2023 - Wastewater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
March 10, 2023 - Agriculture Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
March 1, 2023 - Stormwater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
February 28, 2023 - Steering Committee
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Agriculture TAG Report, Wastewater TAG Report, Revised Charge Document
February 27, 2023 - Riparian Buffer Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation 1, DWR Presentation 2
February 8, 2023 - Wastewater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
January 26, 2023 - Stormwater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, HRL Post-Construction Stormwater Control Map
January 25, 2023 - Agricultural Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
December 13, 2022 - Agricultural Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
December 12, 2022 - Wastewater Technical Advisory Group
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation
December 1, 2022 - Steering Committee
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, SC+TAG Charge Document
November 17, 2022
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Draft Curve Memo
September 29, 2022 - All Stakeholders (Yadkinville)
Materials: Agenda, Summary, DWR Presentation, Facilitator Presentation, Attendee List, Recording 1, Recording 2
Joey Hester
(919) 707-3675
Nonpoint Source Planning Branch Chief
Rich Gannon
(919) 707-3673