Wow Webinars

Wow Stormwater Webinars are FREE and are offered the third Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m. until noon.   


  • Registration will open one month in advance and will be open until 24 hours prior to the webinar time.
  • PDHs will be awarded to individuals who preregister and then sign into the webinar with the same name and email address as on their registration record.
  • PDH certificates of attendance will be emailed to participants at the end of each webinar.

Upcoming Webinars:

The next Wow Wednesday Webinar is April 16, 2025, during which Colin Finlay will discuss Microbial Nitrogen Transformations in Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance Systems. 

Register Now Here 
Webinar Information Here

Tab/Accordion Items

March 19, 2025 - Kyra Selina Hagge, a PhD Candidate with ECU presents her study of the behavior of people making decisions about their individual wastewater treatment systems, environmental loading and the work of transdisciplinary research teams analyzing water quality and quantity issues. Kyra’s research connects social science and human behavior to natural science and environmental quality.

Register Now Here 
Webinar information Here
Recording (Password: Ht3PaHV)

November 20, 2024: Melanie McCaleb and Kristi Anspach present on the intricacies of NPDES reporting and monitoring utilizing current standards, regulations and state provided forms.

This presentation includes discussions on the variability of local program requirements as they relate to erosion and sediment control compliance as well as common pitfalls for NPDES inspections.

Register Here
Webinar information 
Recording (Password: UjfBPbP8)

September 18, 2024: "RSPC- Empowering Citizens and Guiding Professionals within a Regional Stormwater Synergy."
Presentation Materials

July 17, 2024: Sue Homewood will speak about applications for 401 Certifications and Buffer Authorizations, including questions related to Stormwater Management. This presentation will also explain why and go over the most common questions DWR reviewers ask during their reviews.
Recording (Password: fWcRibX7)
May 15, 2024: "How Wastewater and Stormwater on-site systems impact each other." Gary S. MacConnell, along with MacConnell and Associates, will speak about how onsite Wastewater and Stormwater Systems impact each other. 
Recording (Password: 8PgbSQTS)
March 20, 2024: "Using Green Infrastructure to Create Amenities in Ultra-Urban Areas: Challenges and Upkeep," will be presented by Stormwater Extension Associate from NC State, Vinicius Taguchi Ph.D., who will speak about green infrastructure to create amenities in Ultra- Urbans areas including challenges and upkeep. 
Recording (Password: VbbdCu48)
Feb. 21, 2024: Greg Kanellis with Hart & Hickman will provide an overview of the National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations System (NPDES) as part of their presentation, "Industry Stormwater Permitting and Compliance."
Recording (Password: 9PuJTkNR)
Nov. 15, 2023: Michelle Nowlin and Nancy Lauer, The Environmental Law and Policy Clinic: "Assessing and Addressing Litter in Durham’s Waterways"
Recording (Password: BreBHZK6)
Oct. 18, 2023: Barbara Doll, North Carolina State University: "Characterizing Macro and Microplastics Pollution in the Neuse River Basin"
Recording (Password: XtMDp6fC)
Sept. 20, 2023: "Can we remotely map streambank erosion hotspots from the sky?", presented by Krissy Hopkins, Geological Research Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey:
Recording (Password: TwBrinH7)
Aug. 16, 2023: "Watershed Master plan: Assessing Critical Infrastructure Assets," presented by Amanda Hollingsworth and David Perry of WithersRavenel
Recording (password: Dnvsuyd3)
July 19, 2023: Jonathan Hinkle 
Recording (password: CgysEfi3) 
June 21, 2023: "Communication Keeps Stormwater Programs Afloat"
Recording (password: tJPrvFM4)
May 17, 2023:  "Assest Management: SW Watershed Master Planning" 
Presentation by David Perry, WithersRavenel
Recording (password: 3Rcvzdqc)
"Hybrid Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment" April 19, 2023
March 15, 2023: "Asset Management & GIS Modeling

Jan. 18, 2023: "Stormwater Regulation and Land Use" 
Ben Chenault with the University of Virginia spoke about how MS4 permits push development outside urban areas.
Ben's Presentation Slides.

Turbidity Control Nov. 16, 2022
Melanie M. McCaleb with NTU Inc. provided an overview of usage of Polyacrylamide, Turbidity effects on aquatic environments. 
Presentation 1
Presentation 2

Brian Free (Faircloth & Son Inc.) presented.
Prioritizing Natural & Nature-Based Features (NNBFs) to Increase Resilience of Coastal Communities  Sep 21, 2022 
Stacey Webb Feken (Albemarle-Pamlico Natural Estuary Partnership) provided an overview of tools that allow local planners in coastal communities to determine suitable areas to implement natural infrastructure.
Bioretention: Lab, Big Box Store & Watershed-Scale Research Informs Improved Design  Aug 17, 2022 
Professor Ryan Winston (Ohio State University) presentation focused on recent research findings related to bioretention function at multiple scales. Topics included a controlled laboratory scale study where 7 different bioretention media mixes were tested for nutrient leaching over 1 year of simulated rainfall events. We then transitioned to a field scale study performed at a big box store with interesting findings related to urban karst. A watershed-scale green infrastructure project where >400 bioretention systems were retrofitted into a residential neighborhood will be profiled and results shared related to runoff control and treatment. The presentation concluded with practical takeaways for bioretention design that can be gleaned from these studies.
Role of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Regarding NC's Changing Storms  Jul 20, 2022
Dr. Matthew Jones (Hazen & Sawyer) will talk about how Increased green stormwater infrastructure implementation and popularity has coincided with an improved understanding of changing storm characteristics and climate resiliency needs throughout North Carolina. This presentation includes an evaluation of the role green infrastructure may play in addressing changing storm characteristics to achieve stormwater management and broader sustainability objectives.
Presentation slides
The Potential of Natural Infrastructure to Mitigate Flooding in Eastern NC  Jun 15, 2022  
Professor Barbara Doll (NCSU Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering) discuss how the NC Sea Grant and the NCSU Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department have developed a modeling and analysis approach and secured funding to 1) identify natural infrastructure practices suitable for implementation in our coastal river basins, 2) estimate how different natural infrastructure scenarios – including different degrees of reforestation, floodplain expansion, and stream and wetland restoration– could improve water quality and reduce downstream flooding, as well as 3) to determine the magnitude of the storm event that could be managed through natural infrastructure.
Presentation slides
Project website

GIS Trash Mapping of Jordan Lake & Watershed-Wide Litter Prevention  May 18, 2022   
Fran DiGiano (UNC - Chapel Hill) will demonstrate how Capstone Projects by four graduate students in NCSU's Geospatial Analytics Center resulted in mapping stormwater trash intensity (lb/100 ft of shoreline) from 150 cleanups over 12 years along 30 mi. of the most impacted shoreline on the Haw River Arm and up the New Hope Channel. 
Presentation Slides 1
Presentation Slides 2

The Joys and Pitfalls of Implementing a Phase II NPDES Stormwater Program at a Public University  Apr 20, 2022 
Janet Clarke, Jamie Smedsmo and Sharon Myers discussed the unique challenges and opportunities associated with implementing a stormwater program in a public university setting. Clarke has worked in the environmental field in private industry, as a civilian on a Marine Corps base, and currently as one of the UNC Environment, Health and Safety team members responsible for ensuring UNC’s compliance with its NPDES stormwater permit. She has a degree in forestry from NC State and recently earned her master’s degree in environmental assessment, also from NC State, and she is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control. Smedsmo is the Interim Stormwater Utility Manager at UNC. She has a master's in Civil Engineering from the University of Minnesota and a master's from UNC in Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Myers has worked as an environmental professional at NCDEQ, in consulting, and at UNC. Sharon is the Program Administrator for UNC's Phase II stormwater permit and is a licensed professional geologist.
Mitigation in North Carolina and the Challenges in Urban Settings  Mar 16, 2022 
Periann Russell (NC Division of Mitigation Services) gave an explanation of Division of Mitigation Services structure, the issues and challenges of restoring streams and wetlands in urban settings.
Presentation Slides
NC Resilient Coastal Communities Program  Feb 16, 2022  
Tancreed Miller (NC Division of Coastal Management) described DCM's Resilient Coastal Communities Program, which provides funding to match communities with contractors to assess hazards vulnerability and develop shovel-ready resilience projects featuring both nature-based (green) and non-nature based (grey) elements.
New River Estuary Oyster Highway:  Paving the Way for Stormwater Treatment  Jan 19, 2022 
Pat-Donavan-Brandenburg (City of Jacksonville) & Dr. Mark Bush (Virginia Institute of Marien Sciences, William and Mary University) discuss an ecosystem simulation model of the New River Estuary was expanded to include the oyster reefs restored as part of the New River Oyster Highway Project. The expanded model was then used to compute the ecological benefits of the restoration, including water filtration, associated removal of phytoplankton, sediments, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and resulting improvements in water quality. The resulting model is available online with a user-friendly interface to allow interested stakeholders to run their own restoration scenarios and compute the associated benefits.

Caswell Beach Dune Infiltration System  Dec 15, 2021 
Marc Horstman (WK Dickson) will discuss the implementation of a Dune Infiltration System (DIS) at Caswell Beach to address flooding and safety access on the only ingress/egress road in the Town. DISs are a new, innovative coastal Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) that can help build resiliency for coastal towns in mitigating flooding impacts. Also, these systems can provide an auxiliary benefit of improving water quality and can directly reduce the amount of post-storm beach closures.
Presentation slides

Statewide Action Plan for Nature-Based Strategies  Nov 17, 2021 
Lauren Kolodij (NC Coastal Federation) identified barriers and opportunities to using nature-based stormwater strategies to address water quality, flooding and resiliency issues across the state. The resulting Plan focuses on a volume reduction approach to stormwater for new development projects, stormwater retrofits, roadways and working lands to make multi-functional use of the landscape.
SCMs: Inspections, Maintenance, Deficiencies & Solutions   Oct 20, 2021 
Thomas Moore (G2 Design PA) and Marc Burke (EDGE Environmental) discussed inspections and maintenance of SCMs and shared some specific examples of common deficiencies, less frequent failures & their associated corrective measures. Projects involving multiple device types with varying ages were explored
Stormwater Public Education & Involvement   Sep 15, 2021  
Wendi Hartup (Town of Kernersville) and other local government representatives presented and answered questions on their journey to create and implement a compliant, effective and fun public education and involvement program.
Presentation slides
Sinkhole model

Resilient Stormwater Solutions   Aug 18, 2021  
Dr. Bill Hunt (NCSU) and Dr. Jon Hathaway (University of Tennessee) discuss the dizzy-ing number of needs faced by Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs), recently among them is resiliency due to extreme climatic events. Drs. Hunt and Hathaway predict the types of storm events might they be expected to "see" and what can be expected of SCMs in light of large rainfall events, and suggest design and maintenance practice to better prepare SCMs for our intense-rainfall-future.

Interactive Maps .... Why We Need Them!  Jul 21, 2021
Jim Farkas, Paul Clark, and Annette Lucas (DEMLR) demonstrate how to use the Stormwater Program Interactive map functions, how to identify specific features and how to query underlying data. They also demonstrate the search feature to indicate if a property has a current permit or an expired one in need of renewal.

Water Supply Watershed Protection (WSWP) Program News  Jun 16, 2021 
Annette Lucas (DEMLR) provides updates and future plans for the WSWP Program, including survey results from local governments, the newly revised WSWP model ordinance, and new helpful resources. 

Ecosystem Services Value of Stormwater Management Practices  May 19, 2021
Dr. Marzieh Motallebi and Joan Ureta (Clemson University) present the factors affecting the NC coastal residents' intention to adopt low impact development based on a recent perception survey.   "Understanding the Public's Behavior in Adopting Green Infrastructure" article    Marzieh and Joan's presentation slides

How to Breeze Through Your Post-Construction Plan Review  Apr 21, 2021
Corey Anen (DEMLR) discusses DEQ's post-construction permitting process. The goal is to educate design engineers on the permitting process and requirements for obtaining a post-construction permit. Corey discusses the different permitting options and common pitfalls that can slow down the permitting process.  Corey's presentation slides

Putting the Green in Green Infrastructure  Mar 17, 2021 
Shannon Currey (Hoffman Nursery) and Debbie Hamrick (NC Farm Bureau) make the case for plants being a priority in stormwater control features. The webinar includes an overview of the benefits of plants in stormwater design, how to work with the green industry for success, and match up plants with their specific benefits. Presenters will share a list of resources stormwater practitioners can use to incorporate more plants into their work.  Putting the Green in Green Infrastructure presentation slides    Green Infrastructure Resources List

How to Create Clear, Specific, and Measurable SWMPs  Feb 17, 2021
Jeanette Powell (DEMLR) presents the regulatory requirements for Clear, Specific, and Measurable Stormwater Management Plans (SWMPs) and Katherine Knight (WithersRavenel) presents her experience in developing the first approved SWMP in North Carolina.  Jeanette's presentation slides

NPDES Industrial Stormwater Program 101  Jan 20, 2021  
Isaiah Reed (DEMLR) explain two requirements common to all NPDES Industrial Permits: Non-Stormwater Discharge and Qualitative Monitoring. Isaiah also discusses how to achieve and maintain the No Exposure Certification. David Auge presents the stormwater practices that Grifols Therapeutics has put into place, including consolidating five environmental response plans into the SWPPP, expanding annual stormwater training, conducting monthly testing of all stormwater outfalls and adding interpretive signs in the wildlife habitat area to highlight specific stormwater protection features.  Isaiah's presentation slides   David's presentation slides

Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Areas  Dec 16, 2020 
Hunter Freeman (WithersRavenel) and Daniel Weibke (McAdams) showcase nature-based solutions that deliver triple bottom line benefits to developers, regulators, and residents. They discuss how SCM design elements can be adapted to fit within the urban form and how collaboration between researchers, regulatory agencies, environmental non-profits, and the design community can be leveraged to deliver sustainable projects to serve the increasing demand for housing and commercial space in North Carolina.

How to Rock Your MS4 Audit  Nov 18, 2020
Jeanette Powell and Isaiah Reed (DEMLR) review how an MS4 permit compliance audit is conducted and provide tips and tools for preparing for a successful audit. Daryl Norris and Lisa Kirby from the City of Greenville discuss their recent MS4 audit and the steps they took to receive a Notice of Compliance.

Stormwater eDMR is Just Around the Corner!  Oct 21, 2020
Annette Lucas and Suzanne McCoy (DEMLR) explain how industries will soon enter into a more modern, convenient and sustainable way to report stormwater data.  They also show you how to make use of the new capabilities now available to you on the Stormwater Program website.     

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