Chowan River Basin Documents
Chowan River Basin
Chowan RBRP Overview

The Chowan River basin straddles the border of Virginia and North Carolina. Agricultural land uses continue to predominate throughout most of the basin with small municipalities situated at strategic crossroads. Since 2002, the population in most of counties of the basin has remained stable or is minimally declining.
The basin contains 48 14-digit watersheds. Seven of these were targeted in the 2002 RBRP. In 2009, an additional seven watersheds were identified as new priority targets. Two watersheds were delisted.
DMS restoration goals for the Chowan River basin are to:
Implement wetland, stream and shoreline restoration projects that reduce sedimentation, nutrient pollution and surface runoff by restoring hydrology and vegetation, stabilizing banks and restoring natural geomorphology where appropriate;
Work with landowners, local governments, local conservancies and other nongovernmental groups to protect and restore watersheds through restoration and preservation;
Restore streams and riparian buffers to provide shade and temperature control and increase in-stream woody debris for habitat;
Restore and protect sensitive aquatic habitat and species diversity through the restoration of wetlands, streams and riparian buffers; and
Cooperate and partner with local resource agencies to help leverage federal and state grant funding for watershed-restoration efforts.
Chowan RBRP Documents
2009 Chowan RBRP