Tar-Pamlico River Basin Documents
Tar-Pamlico River Basin
Tar-Pamlico RBRP Overview

The Tar-Pamlico River basin includes five
The basin is more than 6,400 square miles comprised of both land and open water. The Tar-Pamlico watershed contains 29 incorporated municipalities subject to Stormwater II regulations, including all or portions of the cities and towns of Oxford, Henderson, Louisburg, Nashville, Red Oak, Dortches, Rocky Mount, Tarboro, Greenville, Washington, Bellhaven and Stonewall.
The five CUs encompass 181 14-digit hydrologic units and contain parts of 15 counties, seven predominantly in the Piedmont and eight in the Coastal Plain. Based on an assessment of existing watershed characteristics and resource information, EEP has developed restoration and protection goals for the basin’s five CUs, including:
- Promoting nutrient reduction in municipal areas through the implementation of stormwater best management practices;
- Promoting nutrient and sediment reduction in agricultural areas by restoring and preserving wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers;
- Continuing targeted implementation of projects under the Nutrient Offset and Buffer programs, as well as focusing NCDOT-sponsored restoration in areas where it will provide the most functional improvement to the ecosystems; and
- Protecting, augmenting and connecting state-designated Natural Heritage Areas and other conservation lands.